Dumb announcement

I'm waiting for one of these clueless commentators to notice Griffin's arm and say something dumb like "oh like at that kid, where's his hand?" Sheesh, the cringe at these guys.
beIN Sports broadcast was the worst I've seen in a long time. Their down and distance to go technology failed the majority of the game. The broadcast broke into some black and white coloring in the second half. Amateur commentary. If anyone needed a reminder of how lucky we are to be out of C-USA - watch a beIN broadcast.
beIN Sports broadcast was the worst I've seen in a long time. Their down and distance to go technology failed. Amateur commentary. If anyone needed a reminder of how lucky we are to be out of C-USA - watch a beIN broadcast.
That's why it was so funny during their halftime show. They threw a big check at McNabb and he had to carry the "analysis" but he looked bored and disgusted.
During the game one of the announcers referred to Griffin's physical issue with his hand as a "genital defect".
That's why it was so funny during their halftime show. They threw a big check at McNabb and he had to carry the "analysis" but he looked bored and disgusted.
They didn't throw McNabb a big check. This is the only place the guy can get work after the DUI.
Sideline chick was cute, Espanol commercials were different. I'm just glad it was on T.V. It was a pro-CUSA channel. They don't have a lot of money for production obviously, but again, glad it was on TV.
Ok.., now someone needs to post a pic of the sideline chick

FIU cheerleaders had the best outfits!