Dunkin Donuts delivery?

Doughnut delivery is how Rick Scott got started in business, so I oppose it in all forms on sheer principle.
Because people who can't leave their house need donuts like they need another hole in their head and no that was not an attempt at some pun based donut humor.

I get delivering to businesses but home? Is it really that hard to drive to a Dunkin Donuts?
If you've got three kids and a live-in grandma on a Saturday morning, your wife is asleep upstairs, everyone wants breakfast now and you got nada, I can see the attraction. The 20 somethings that will actually use the service are just crapbirds that are too fat and lazy to get out of bed on a Sunday.
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If you've got three kids and a live-in grandma on a Saturday morning, your wife is asleep upstairs, everyone wants breakfast now and you got nada, I can see the attraction. The 20 somethings that will actually use the service are just crapbirds that are too fat and lazy to get out of bed on a Sunday.
If you are in that situation, you REALLY need that drive to the store (alone)
I just wish they had a gun that would shoot those chocolate Munchkins into my mouth. Where's DARPA on that?
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I'd order on Saturday or Sunday morning. Nothing like dippin my long john in a little mocha in the morning without ever having to leave the house.