Emory Students need emergency therapy

WHITE chalk makes it even more racist. I can't believe these college kids have to put up with such obvious bigotry. What's next? People writing Cruz or Clinton on sidewalks?!?! This has to be stopped before someone slips and falls on slick chalk.
WHITE chalk makes it even more racist. I can't believe these college kids have to put up with such obvious bigotry. What's next? People writing Cruz or Clinton on sidewalks?!?! This has to be stopped before someone slips and falls on slick chalk.
If someone wrote "Vote Bernie", then they obviously should fear a socialist takeover.
They need more safe zones.

I listened to an interview on CNN today with two of the protest leaders. I mean this when I say, there is no way in hell I would hire them at all. They better hope that their parents take care of them because they are too weak to compete in the real world.
They're already lining up to be career agitators. Anyone with any ambition of having a private sector career would never have their name publicly tied to stuff like this. No one will ever hire them if a simple search turns up this stuff. That pretty much goes for all the "protestors" popping up over the last couple years.
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They're already lining up to be career agitators. Anyone with any ambition of having a private sector career would never have their name publicly tied to stuff like this. No one will ever hire them if a simple search turns up this stuff. That pretty much goes for all the "protestors" popping up over the last couple years.
To your point I know a group around 30 people who either do a lot of hiring of oversee people who do that keep a database of stuff like this. Not due to political issues as most of them I know are more democrat than republican but rather they know people like this students would cause a lot of problems in the corporate environment.
It is proof that it is not how smart you are but how strong you can be. I tell both of my boys that grades matter but so dues toughness and common sense. These Emory students might be smart but I have zero doubt they will fail in life.
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It is proof that it is not how smart you are but how strong you can be. I tell both of my boys that grades matter but so dues toughness and common sense. These Emory students might be smart but I have zero doubt they will fail in life.

Not necessarily, they always make room for people like that within acedemia.


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I listened to an interview on CNN today with two of the protest leaders. I mean this when I say, there is no way in hell I would hire them at all. They better hope that their parents take care of them because they are too weak to compete in the real world.

Oh no- they must be crushed knowing that Sir G won't hire them.
BILL MAHER: Let's talk about the liberal bubble... and I'm always criticizing what goes on on college campuses. There was a doozy this week at Emery University. Oh my gosh. You know what happened at Emory? Somebody wrote pro-Trump messages on the sidewalk in chalk. And, I swear to God, the kids went apeshit...

One student said, 'I legitimately feared for my life. I thought we were having a KKK rally on campus.'

FMR. GOV. JENNIFER GRANHOLM, GUEST: What were the messages?

MAHER: Just Trump 2016 -- in chalk!


MAHER: Here's another one: 'I'm supposed to feel comfortable and safe, but this man -- Trump -- is being supported by students on campus.' As is their right in a democracy. 'And our administration shows by their silence they support it as well. I don't deserve to feel afraid at my school.'


MAHER: I so badly want to dropkick these kids into a place where there is actual pain and suffering. What happened in this country?
The title of this thread is the problem: "need therapy" shouldn't be used for this. The title should be "Emory Daycare Students need to grow up"
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The ultimate irony is that these pusswad left wing bubble babies think that free college should be a guaranteed right, yet are the first ones to cry, scream, and yell to restrict actual guaranteed rights such as the First Amendment, when it comes to having to tolerate any type of speech that is contrary to their own views.

In other words, they are fascists who absolutely love massive government power when it suits their views.
My girlfriend teaches sociology at FSU. She gives failing grades to anyone who fails to capitalize letters. Not a missed capitalization here or there. But no capitals at all. Not at the beginning of sentences, not proper nouns, nothing. It happens all the time. Like 10 to 12 kids a semester. The last time she did it, they got into a group and complained that her rigid rules of grading were stifling their expression and development. The complaint actually went to a hearing. Eff academia.
This is sad and pathetic.

The University will review footage “up by the hospital [from] security cameras” to identify those who made the chalkings, Wagner told the protesters. He also added that if they’re students, they will go through the conduct violation process, while if they are from outside of the University, trespassing charges will be pressed.
They're already lining up to be career agitators. Anyone with any ambition of having a private sector career would never have their name publicly tied to stuff like this. No one will ever hire them if a simple search turns up this stuff. That pretty much goes for all the "protestors" popping up over the last couple years.
It will be like the end of the 70s with the hippies. They won't be employable in the real world, so they will become elementary school teachers to further spread their anger and ideology. That or the old guy in the IT department with the pony tail that doesnt know how to do anything except replace your power cord and hook up your laptop to the old projectors.
If I were in a position to hire employees, and I saw applications from Emory/Missouri/etc, I would toss them out.
That was my point, but over the years you just write down names like these Emory people, its my own private list of sorts but I know that I'm not alone. On top of that, the first thing that happens when an applicant is selected for an interview the checks on social media is the first to go.
This is sad and pathetic.

The University will review footage “up by the hospital [from] security cameras” to identify those who made the chalkings, Wagner told the protesters. He also added that if they’re students, they will go through the conduct violation process, while if they are from outside of the University, trespassing charges will be pressed.

Please tell me that's not true. Conduct violation process for chalk?