Epic salty tear bitch and whine fest over at TBO....

I suspect he isnt even a Bulls fan. Now put the shoe on the Bulls foot and he'd be that loser Auburn fan cowering away.
Don't worry UCF fans are the only people reading that anyway. Didn't Know what TBO was until the OP linked to them. If a doofus claims we aren't champions in the woods and no one is around to hear it....
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LOL! What a tool. I love this "they beat a half-disinterested Auburn team that didn’t even want to be in the Peach Bowl". Well...

1. UCF would have preferred to be in a playoff semi final too.
2. Further, does Tom think Auburn wasn't trying to score on their last series when we got the INT?
3. You can't say things like AK woke up Auburn with his "speed" comment then say they weren't interested. You guys don't get to play both sides, dumbass.
4. Auburn damn well didn't want to LOSE to a G5 school (I can guarantee you that) and they were playing from behind most of the afternoon.

If the following comment is true, then get ready for some litigation:
"Am I saying that a team not in a Power 5 conference can’t ever win a national championship? Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying."

I could go on but Tom is a freaking moron unworthy of anymore of my time.
Don't worry UCF fans are the only people reading that anyway. Didn't Know what TBO was until the OP linked to them. If a doofus claims we aren't champions in the woods and no one is around to hear it....
I still don't know what it is. I only read UCF and National stuff. Not dink and dunk publications.
I watched the game again last night after being at the stadium and picked up many things from game and announcers.

One announcer said "I never heard a more passionate halftime speech than I did from the Auburn coach today". We saw the bump this gave to Auburn coming out in the second half.

Many times teams have been surprised this season by the resiliency of our team. Even with many scoring opportunities missed we still found a way to win. This is what champions do!
One announcer said "I never heard a more passionate halftime speech than I did from the Auburn coach today". We saw the bump this gave to Auburn coming out in the second half.
Ask the announcer to explain this and they'll response "i dont recall saying that"
Ask the announcer to explain this and they'll response "i dont recall saying that"
I can go back and get the minute//second mark on the recording :)
They sure forgot the Fiesta Bowl of 2014 quickly and nobody mentions that we beat Georgia in the Liberty Bowl in 2010.

UCF has beaten all of the following the last time they have played Auburn, Georgia and Alabama.

First 2 we're bowl games on neutral fields while UCF beat Bama in Tuscaloosa...and that's why NONE of those teams (and others) will ever dare sign a home-home with UCF.


Keep winning UCF!
Another reason the coach wouldn't let his Auburn players take this game lightly was because he just signed a seven year $48 million contract. Any manager getting that kind of raise will bleed their employees for all they can get. Frost only got $35 million contract for 7 years.
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Another reason the coach wouldn't let his Auburn players take this game lightly was because he just signed a seven year $48 million contract. Any manager getting that kind of raise will bleed their employees for all they can get. Frost only got $35 million contract for 7 years.
Exactly. Any successful coach isn't going to take their rewards lightly.
Yet here's Finebaum pushing the narrative that Malzahn is a two bit scheme that swindled Auburn University. They weren't saying that after he took them to 13-0 before losing to a heavily favored FSU team in the championship game.
Malzahn quickly resuscitated what Chizik left to die. He revived the career of Elloss. If i were Auburn i'd consider shopping the program to another conference. They deserve better.
Any team that claims to not have had their heart in a game is only admitting they are cowards. Anytime a talking head says it or "journalist" types it the team they refer to should feel offended and defend themselves. If they don't it's akin to admitting they are cowards.
Good for them, actually pretty cool idea. which is very surprising out of bullsville Fl.