Equal pay equal pay


Golden Knight
Gold Member
Sep 17, 2003
Cullowhee, NC
I was eating dinner at a local establishment in Waynesville today and they have multiple screens . Up came this thing on ESPN about woman soccer star Michelle Perone ,Capone , Rapamone ? Sound was off but the text was up.

For starters , I HATE soccer. I coached when my kids in U8 because that's what dad's do..I don't watch the sport nor do I care about this issue. However, I got to thinking how misguided this woman is.

Soccer is her job but it's entertainment to those who enjoy it. I love Bruce Springsteen's music, not his politics. Her notion of equal pay as an entertainer is frankly moronic. if I was a talented singer playing the club scene should I get paid the same as Springsteen? if I draw 500 fans paying $10 should I get paid the same as a band who draws 30,000 fans paying $100 a ticket?

See while she is a talented star in women's soccer her sport doesn't generate the same amount of revenue. She doesn't get paid equally to her male counter parts in men's soccer because her skills are not in equal demand. The free market sets her pay for her entertainment value .

If she was a heart surgeon and her pay was half that of a male heart surgeon, well I get that argument would say if she is skilled then she would be paid equal or better.

It's good politics to stand on your soap box here ,but at what point doesn't somebody point out the obvious? Your pay in the entertainment industry is driven by demand and in her case ticket sales. If both men's and women's soccer sold the same tickets and merchandise ,then yes her pay should be commensurate to the men's.

I still think I should be paid as much as Bruce. I don't sing as well but I can do an ok job on guitar hero.
She has every right to obtain a contract with a men's soccer team that pays her just as much as all of the men on that team.

Hell, even Bill Maher is on the bandwagon of meritocracy now. Why do people like her think they have a winning argument? If her goal is to make more money, write a book. That's one place that women and men are truly equal.
if female athletes want to be paid the same as men, the solution is simple:

encourage more women to watch women sports.
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Equal pay makes sense for the same job. Being a women’s soccer player is not the same job as being a men’s soccer player. The revenue created is vastly different between the leagues.
Even pay for the same job is a stretch. Tom Brady should be paid the same as other QBs? Software engineers are all the same?
There are no other jobs as QB for the Bucs so no other comparable job in that scenario. For the software engineer, yes people with comparable experience and qualification levels should be paid comparable salaries regardless of sex. Obviously salaries are influenced by experience and qualification levels though so no not all software engineers should be paid the same salary.
There are no other jobs as QB for the Bucs so no other comparable job in that scenario. For the software engineer, yes people with comparable experience and qualification levels should be paid comparable salaries regardless of sex. Obviously salaries are influenced by experience and qualification levels though so no not all software engineers should be paid the same salary.
The thing is, once you condition out leave time for maternity and career time off to raise the kids, the wage gap tightens to within a couple of percentage points.
QB is a job. Backups should make the same according to this logic.

Software engineering and other technical jobs can't be just measured on a degree or time. Just like baseball players that a rookie can be better than 85% of players in the MLB for 5 years. No difference. The problem with this big government thinking is everyone is the same and valued the same. Furthest from reality.
Whatever measurement used to determine salary for a software engineer it shouldn’t include gender. That’s the entire point. We are talking about 2 hypothetical people with equal qualifications otherwise but different genders. Obviously skill level and other factors come into play but that isn’t the case we are examining here.
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equal pay will never happen. Women tend to go in and out of the work force over their working careers. Child birth and raising will always be part of the equation. You can say that statement is sexist, but it is what it is. My family is the perfect example, I have been unemployed one time since I was 18, for a total of 6 weeks. My wife over the years has been out of work or part time for 10 years or more. As for sports athletes and entertainers, what they make is all over the board even in the same sport and team. That is true for male and female athletes.

If I go to work in a small local diner as a waiter, I won't make the money I would at a high end restaurant in a big city. It is not a matter of fairness, it is simple financial reality. Look at what the NFL pays compared to what the CFL, It is greatly different. Men's sports sell, women's don't. Is that fair? I don't know, but it is the reality.
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