ESC Almost 50% Sold

I did purchase these seats and they told me that this area will have Wifi.
Originally posted by AQKnightro:

I find this pleasantly surprising. I did not think that they would already be 50% full. A sellout before the season starts would say a lot about this venture. I honestly had my doubts that it would be 50% full come game day, guess I was wrong.
That main 2nd level section that use to be 208, wasn't even 1/3 sold in recent no one wanted to sit in the 2nd level bleachers in the last sections to ever get shade on the East Side with booster fee.

New Club, new chairback seats, at much higher prices than the old plain bleachers..its already a win-win for more revenue is already rolling in (plus revenue from higher concession/alcohol sales too).

This post was edited on 2/10 8:27 AM by Knight_Light
The area starts at Row-K behind the beach bar area and also extends down the sides of it in rows of 4 to row B or C. The area used to be considered stale, somewhat empty, too sunny and high up, but now it will be considered to be the "cool' area to be and you can escape the sun. I have a feeling that the bar area will be packed!
Originally posted by Marvelouz:

Great idea. I just hope it doesn't look cheesy..
Its a badly needed revenue producer...I wouldn't care if it was painted long as the $$$$ are rolling in.

Some thought a mostly empty silver bleacher 50 yd line 2nd level section "looked cheesy" that wasn't bring in much $$$.
Originally posted by firm_bizzle:
Should be the entire sideline and lower the price.
Agree. Make the sundeck and the covered bar area/concourse run down the entire east sideline and lower to the cost to around $500. Would sellout instantly, the beer sales for that amount of seats would be great, and it would look even better on tv (could be phase 1 of elminating the meatl bleacher seating). Maybe they have are able to expand down the road if it consistently fills up for a couple seasons.
Originally posted by NicolosiKnight:
Originally posted by firm_bizzle:
Should be the entire sideline and lower the price.
Agree. Make the sundeck and the covered bar area/concourse run down the entire east sideline and lower to the cost to around $500. Would sellout instantly, the beer sales for that amount of seats would be great, and it would look even better on tv (could be phase 1 of elminating the meatl bleacher seating). Maybe they have are able to expand down the road if it consistently fills up for a couple seasons.
Maybe that's something they could do with a section from the 20 yd line to the goal line...but since this ESC is located basically at midfield, UCF can (and is getting) a high premium, from those that want these amenities, while enjoying some of the best views of the field (from the club and from their midfield chairback seats).

Fans will always pay more $$$ for better seat (and club) location.

This post was edited on 2/10 2:34 PM by Knight_Light
Originally posted by Knight_Light:

Originally posted by NicolosiKnight:
Originally posted by firm_bizzle:
Should be the entire sideline and lower the price.
Agree. Make the sundeck and the covered bar area/concourse run down the entire east sideline and lower to the cost to around $500. Would sellout instantly, the beer sales for that amount of seats would be great, and it would look even better on tv (could be phase 1 of elminating the meatl bleacher seating). Maybe they have are able to expand down the road if it consistently fills up for a couple seasons.
Maybe that's something they could do with a section from the 20 yd line to the goal line...but since this ESC is located basically at midfield, UCF can (and is getting) a high premium, from those that want these amenities, while enjoying some of the best views of the field (from the club and from their midfield chairback seats).

Fans will always pay more $$$ for betting seat (and club) location.
Agreed. Probably $50-80 on the second hand market.
That's great and all, but the people that lost their season tix in that area are being shafted. I'm disappointed in our athletic association for kicking them out and making them pay more money for comparable seats.
Originally posted by (Art_Vandelay):
That's great and all, but the people that lost their season tix in that area are being shafted.
No...any and all of those displaced were given first dibs on ESC Seats/Memberships plus priority of relocating anywhere else.

Stadiums get renovated all the time (as will this one over the coming decades) and many of these dislocated GKC season tix holders (remember, that 208 2nd level section was 2/3 empty of the last few years), have expressed how they have been pleased with what UCF has offered them.

But yeah, go ahead and spew all the negativity you want, but so far, UCF got this right and more importantly, those GKC members are pretty satisfied with their new homes (in other sections or in the ESC).
The way I see it people sitting in that section over the last several years have been getting a deal. Try buying 50 yard line season tickets at UF or FSU for a few hundred dollars. Team is moving up the ranks and needs to make more money. That's what they're trying to do.
So now we know where you'll be hiding Mikesi! J/K

So what if you want to invite a friend and have a beer and check out the bikini action?

Or, what if you want to bring a bikini babe with you?

How does this work?
I know! Now I'll have to hide from Kyle Israel and all those who are mad ate for hating on him. Maybe I'll buy him a drink after hearing about his Moscow adventure. Lol. Nice place to meet up with UCF alumni.

So.., now I have 2 options

1) I know a couple of women who said already, "Oh.., I saw that on TV and I'll definitely go in the game now to sit there! Looks like so much fun!" Those are the women that tailgate and go home after.

2) Bring a buddy wingman and check out the action.

Bottom line is it's a cool addition and I'll be sure to be inviting people to have a blast with.

This post was edited on 2/10 6:52 PM by Mikesi
I'll never forget the season new stadium opener.....Israel was 3 yards short on a drive for us to have a chance to win the over! Ugh!
We have such a wide walking area between the upper and lower decks, how about a lazy river that flows around the whole stadium with various "landing stations" that have full bars with shaded canopies. that way everyone gets a view of the talent floating by.
Only if they aren't sold out. They are going fast, but just like everything, I doubt it will be 100% sold as now the remaining seats are either higher up or a bit farther from either side of the 50 yard line. Best bet is to get them on sites like Stub Hub, etc., as just like any other seats in the stadium there will be people who can't make it to a game because of other commitments, emergencies, etc.

For those who got displaced, they will have first dibs on available seats, such as my old ones that I have to give up. They are cheap and right below that section. Ask for 127, C9-10. They were 2 rows off the field at the 25-27 yard line. I think they are asking like $550 (up from $470) for both including C-lot parking. They were very fun seats right in front of the visiting players.
Originally posted by Mikesi:
I did purchase these seats and they told me that this area will have Wifi.
Why the whole stadium doesn't have wifi is beyond me... given that it is Brighthouse and all.
When are they gonna start building it? That and the student academic center.
Originally posted by EngAlum98:

Originally posted by Mikesi:
I did purchase these seats and they told me that this area will have Wifi.
Why the whole stadium doesn't have wifi is beyond me... given that it is Brighthouse and all.
Yeah, they should have thrown that in for free with the deal considering they lowered their money for the naming rights.

I'm pissed they raised the donation and ticket prices with this piss poor home schedule.