Originally posted by Knight_Light:
Originally posted by NicolosiKnight:
Originally posted by firm_bizzle:
Should be the entire sideline and lower the price.
Make the sundeck and the covered bar area/concourse run down the entire east sideline and lower to the cost to around $500. Would sellout instantly, the beer sales for that amount of seats would be great, and it would look even better on tv (could be phase 1 of elminating the meatl bleacher seating). Maybe they have are able to expand down the road if it consistently fills up for a couple seasons.
Maybe that's something they could do with a section from the 20 yd line to the goal line...but since this ESC is located basically at midfield, UCF can (and is getting) a high premium, from those that want these amenities, while enjoying some of the best views of the field (from the club and from their midfield chairback seats).
Fans will always pay more $$$ for betting seat (and club) location.