During the closing minutes of our travesty/debacle of a game, both announcers began discussing realignment possibilities and noted several AAC teams that were "trending upwards", of which we were noticeably omitted.
The lead announcer points out how much O'Leary has done for the program but soon after brings up his age (nearing 70) and how it might be time to step aside. That's when the second announcer gives his opinion that O'Leary can do no more for the program and should step down.
If GOL has now lost the confidence of ESPN, makes you wonder if they're officially making their case for a new head coach as well.
The lead announcer points out how much O'Leary has done for the program but soon after brings up his age (nearing 70) and how it might be time to step aside. That's when the second announcer gives his opinion that O'Leary can do no more for the program and should step down.
If GOL has now lost the confidence of ESPN, makes you wonder if they're officially making their case for a new head coach as well.