Fact check for those who said that Trump firing pandemic experts at the CDC changed anything

Are these the new talking points that they are putting out?
Funding has not been cut. He DID FIRE key officials, but he DID NOT get rid of the Pandemic unit. People get fired. Some get replaced and some don’t. That doesn’t mean that the Pandemic response team is inadequate. Who’s responsible for the testing delays and the number of available tests?
Seems like NBA players didn’t have a problem getting tested ASAP
uh, Mike? Your 'fact check' confirms the "idiots" were correct.
Updated the title. My fact check confirms that this didn’t change a thing in regards to where we stand with this Pandemic. We had a pandemic unit in the CDC. Trump did not cut that

We had to close the borders. Check.
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Yep. Where in your Anti-Trump opinion would we be now? A BIG deal was made of this in the initial Trump TDS is to blame game
You have absolutely no way of knowing how firing our pandemic scientists a year and a half before this corona virus pandemic affected our response.

But here’s a clue: it sure as hell wasn’t good.
You have absolutely no way of knowing how firing our pandemic scientists a year and a half before this corona virus pandemic affected our response.

But here’s a clue: it sure as hell wasn’t good.
Sure would have been nice to pay attention to this back in january when trump closed flights from china. Except you and the lefty loonies were focused on faux impeachment conspiracies
it sure as hell wasn’t good.
TDS response

The correct response:

YOU and the fake news have no proof whatsoever that it made a damn difference. Most likely it did not

So.., how did it smart guy? People are fired everyday from different divisions responsible for us handling this
Firing leading scientists in the field of expertise had no impact on our response?
Unknown. The burden of PROOF is on you since you’re the one making all the accusations about Trump’s failures in this
Firing leading scientists in the field of expertise had no impact on our response?

What in you're opinion could have been done?Remember the government was busy trying a impeachment over fake news. Biden was busy calling it racist to stop travel. Still spreading under quarantines, but I'm sure the waving a socialist wand could figure it out. ;)

If you calm your TDS condition, Trump has done an amazing job especially the benefit of hindsight. If China was open and honest early this never leaves China, but that is racist. Lol
What in you're opinion could have been done?Remember the government was busy trying a impeachment over fake news.
Highly-trained and experienced scientists (who don't give a sh*t about impeachment) would have been monitoring the world situation and would have been laser-focused on the China situation when it initially broke out. You don't think that would have helped?

Frankly, I find it mind-boggling that I'm here defending the need for our government to employ trained experts (be it virus scientists, espionage, defense, tech security, health care, civil engineering, yadda, yadda, yadda) to ensure our national safety.

Honestly guys, isn't this a no-brainer?
Highly-trained and experienced scientists (who don't give a sh*t about impeachment) would have been monitoring the world situation and would have been laser-focused on the China situation when it initially broke out. You don't think that would have helped?

Frankly, I find it mind-boggling that I'm here defending the need for our government to employ trained experts (be it virus scientists, espionage, defense, tech security, health care, civil engineering, yadda, yadda, yadda) to ensure our national safety.

Honestly guys, isn't this a no-brainer?

You realize China wasn't sharing information right. Keep trying though. Plus we had dementia man that can lead us by allowing additional travel to Wuhan. There was no cdc cut in funding. That was fake news you eat up.
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You realize China wasn't sharing information right. Keep trying though.
You're really going to poo-poo why a national security virus team would have been valuable??!?

Good grief, we lost critical, virus mobilization time during the weeks our Blowhard-in-Chief was publicly blasting Democrat concerns about our government's virus response as "a hoax" and assuring everyone that "we have it under control. zero deaths."

Yeah, a national pandemic security team wouldn't have had a thing to offer Trump back then.*
You're really going to poo-poo why a national security virus team would have been valuable??!?

Good grief, we lost critical, virus mobilization time during the weeks our Blowhard-in-Chief was publicly blasting Democrat concerns about our government's virus response as "a hoax" and assuring everyone that "we have it under control. zero deaths."

Yeah, a national pandemic security team wouldn't have had a thing to offer Trump back then.*
You should look into who it was that appointed the head of the pandemic response team, and then look into why the position was vacated before making unsubstantiated claims about how detrimental it was.
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MSNBC talking points. Back to this... partisan. TDS is real.
If all a person listens to is MSNBC, they would seriously think that Timothy Ziemer is some world renowned microbiologist that has cured thousands of diseases and prevented the spread of the worst possibly viruses of all time. The truth of the matter is that he's a naval officer that had limited experience as the head of pandemic response and was in that position for less than a year before John Bolton made the call to restructure the NSC, at which time Ziemer resigned.

But the convenient TDS response is to claim that had he been in place this would never have reached our shores.
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Highly-trained and experienced scientists (who don't give a sh*t about impeachment) would have been monitoring the world situation and would have been laser-focused on the China situation when it initially broke out. You don't think that would have helped?

Frankly, I find it mind-boggling that I'm here defending the need for our government to employ trained experts (be it virus scientists, espionage, defense, tech security, health care, civil engineering, yadda, yadda, yadda) to ensure our national safety.

Honestly guys, isn't this a no-brainer?
It’s not a no-brainer dummy. We still had a capable pandemic response team full of “EXPERTS.”

Now if those experts were Shookster, Shook Chicken and serial killer NinjaKnight, I would be worried, but they are not
You should look into who it was that appointed the head of the pandemic response team, and then look into why the position was vacated before making unsubstantiated claims about how detrimental it was.
I know, right?


“That Trump! He fired the only 2 scientists who know about Pandemics!! With them the world would not be on the verge of Armageddon!”

You would think Trump just cut Lebron James from the Lakers before the playoffs
Bullsh*t. The Trump Administration never replaced them.....until the crisis hit this year.
“The fault lies with China sitting on this thing for five weeks,” Morrison said. “We could have nipped this thing in the bud if the Chinese had come clean earlier.”

Some of the people we cut, they haven’t been used for many, many years," Trump said during a Feb. 26 briefing on the coronavirus response.

"I’m a business person — I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them," he said. "When we need them, we can get them back very quickly."
Bullsh*t. The Trump Administration never replaced them.....until the crisis hit this year.
If the 2 people that were "removed" were so critical, why didnt they come back? Why havent we heard any of their expert analysis?
Some of the people we cut, they haven’t been used for many, many years," Trump said during a Feb. 26 briefing on the coronavirus response.

"I’m a business person — I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them," he said. "When we need them, we can get them back very quickly."
Thanks for highlighting Trump's response back on Feb. 26.

Here's an interesting exchange with a reporter on March 13th:
(follow-up to the lag in testing) Do you take responsibility for that?
Trump: No. I don't take responsibility at all.
(When the reporter mentioned the firing of the national virus security team which you highlighted above, the follow-up response is: )
Trump: Well, I just think it's a nasty question. And when you say me -- I didn't do it. We have a group of people I could...
Reporter: It's your administration.
Trump: I could ask perhaps. It's my administration but I could perhaps ask Tony about that, because I don't know anything about it (he gestures towards Dr. Fauci who had nothing to do with it) ...I mean you say we did that but I don't know anything about it."

Feb. 26 Trump: I did it because I'm a businessman!!! I don't like wasting money!
Mar. 13 Trump: I-I-I don't know anything about it. Tony?

Wow, what a real THE BUCK STOPS HERE leader, right guys?*
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It's got to be tough for you guys when your only rebuttal to the information I post is to attack me personally.

Especially when you know deep down inside that I'm right.

Nobody can read (or watch) the above exchange between Trump and that PBS reporter and not cringe at his utter lack of leadership.
Thanks for highlighting Trump's response back on Feb. 26.

Here's an interesting exchange with a reporter on March 13th:
(follow-up to the lag in testing) Do you take responsibility for that?
Trump: No. I don't take responsibility at all.
(When the reporter mentioned the firing of the national virus security team which you highlighted above, the follow-up response is: )
Trump: Well, I just think it's a nasty question. And when you say me -- I didn't do it. We have a group of people I could...
Reporter: It's your administration.
Trump: I could ask perhaps. It's my administration but I could perhaps ask Tony about that, because I don't know anything about it (he gestures towards Dr. Fauci who had nothing to do with it) ...I mean you say we did that but I don't know anything about it."

Feb. 26 Trump: I did it because I'm a businessman!!! I don't like wasting money!
Mar. 13 Trump: I-I-I don't know anything about it. Tony?

Wow, what a real THE BUCK STOPS HERE leader, right guys?*
Just stop. This is so much beyond Trump firing 2 Pandemic “experts”.

You’re a TDS driven, partisan hack

This is like someone blaming Trump for scrapping 5 nuclear weapons in a nuclear war

It’s gotten to the point that you can’t see the forest through the trees
If the 2 people that were "removed" were so critical, why didnt they come back? Why havent we heard any of their expert analysis?
Hahahahaha! Exactly!

They are such experts that they have been hired by someone else in our country to deal with a bigger and more important global pandemic. [roll]

Either that or they they found this great job out there like delivering Dominos Pizza.

Has to pay better than the CDC, right Shookster? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Feb. 28, 2020, 9:10 PM EST / Updated Feb. 28, 2020, 10:24 PM EST
By Lauren Egan,
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of “politicizing” the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax” as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S.

I guess fox (faux) doesn't mention these things.
The Business Insider: At a campaign rally on Feb. 28 in North Charleston, S.C., Trump said accused the Democrats of using the coronavirus as "their new hoax." In a meandering tangent loosely comparing the coronavirus to his impeachment-related call with the President of Ukraine and the Russia investigation, Trump argued the opposing party was using a then-epidemic (now pandemic) to undermine him politically. "it will go away," said President Donald Trump as he consistently tried to downplay the severity of the outbreak.
Feb. 28, 2020, 9:10 PM EST / Updated Feb. 28, 2020, 10:24 PM EST
By Lauren Egan,
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of “politicizing” the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax” as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S.

I guess fox (faux) doesn't mention these things.
“Their new hoax” doesn’t call the Coronavirus a hoax. It’s saying the Democrats are politicizing the the Coronavirus. They are trying to make it their new “Russia” to bring him down. Oh brother
“Their new hoax” doesn’t call the Coronavirus a hoax. It’s saying the Democrats are politicizing the Coronavirus. They are trying to make it their new “Russia” to bring him down. Oh brother
Did you ever stop to think HOW the Democrats are "politicizing the Corona virus"? If they are, in your words, "trying to make it their new Russia," what exactly does that mean?

The most logical answer is that they're making it out to be a much bigger deal than it is. But I'm sure you can spin us a better answer, right?
Did you ever stop to think HOW the Democrats are "politicizing the Corona virus"? If they are, in your words, "trying to make it their new Russia," what exactly does that mean?

The most logical answer is that they're making it out to be a much bigger deal than it is. But I'm sure you can spin us a better answer, right?
Well.. since you didn’t spin ANY ANSWER let me help you. They are basically using it for their own political gain by blaming the whole thing escalating and how it’s being handled on Trump. Brainwashing guys like @firm_bizzle into believing that things would be so much different with Biden as president