Exactly correct. I personally do not want Trump to run again, That said, The whole Russia Gate crap came from that dossier, We wasted tens of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man hours, and wasted court time on it. They should have hit both much heavier with the fines, and charges need to be filed for the fraud applied to the court.
Well, it was a
'settlement.' The FEC and others weren't
'backing down,' and I'm sure the DNC and the Clintons realized it's better to settle now, than later since some investigations are still
But yes, it utterly pisses me off that so many people think Trump is in Russia's pocket, when there are countless career polticians and lobbyists -- redacted from the report (too people do not realize this) -- since they wanted to limit it to Trump.
It's pathetic how little evidence there was of Trump, and so much of so many others. Americans paid by the Russians to interfere in Ukraine. And I'm still shocked how many don't know anything about the Podesta's ... especially after the FOIA releases just recently!
I mean, Hillary's campaign manager was still working for his brother!!!
Without all the nonsense, Trump would have won bigly in a huge landslide. The 3am vote production act would have been fruitless.
Well ... I think Americans are realizing now not only realizing deep the Bidens and Clintons are involved, but how much they control the US Mass and Social Media through DNC proxy and Big Tech favortism.
It's amazing how the 10% of left die-hards are getting ripped by their own, fellow, Democratic voters over the Bidens ... and how much banning and censorship was done to the NY Post before the election.
And how untrustworthy and politically-connected leaders in our own intelligence services are ... which is sad. I mean, even I wouldn't believe that conspiracy theory ... and now, it's looking to be very much true.
Every time I think something is a nutjob conspiracy theory, it's turning out to be true most of the time. I guess that's why I didn't budge on the current crop of vaccines after reading the NIH's somber predictions in mid-2020, and Time Magazine repeating the same in early 2021.
It's amazing how many people guilted me for wearing a respirator with P100 filters and yelled at me,
"Get vaccinated!" even though I had been vaccinated. I just knew they didn't do anything to stop the spread, much less reduce it at all.
People are tired of being sheep more and more.