Finally got to see it too(aka Avengers 2 talk)

HAL 9100

Golden Knight
Gold Member
Dec 29, 2007
So I was today as nobody with me. Driving down a local city street, I was passing by a huge city park and saw 2 groups of people with swords drawn slowly approaching each other. As I got closer, I noticed that they were actually foam swords and then that's when it happened. Massive medieval warfare nerd attack. Then I drove off and crossed that one off my bucket list.
So I was today as nobody with me. Driving down a local city street, I was passing by a huge city park and saw 2 groups of people with swords drawn slowly approaching each other. As I got closer, I noticed that they were actually foam swords and then that's when it happened. Massive medieval warfare nerd attack. Then I drove off and crossed that one off my bucket list.

Why didn't you stop to say hi to me?
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I really enjoyed the Avengers but it was definitely a transition movie from the original crew to the new group.

That said, James Spader makes the best villain
I really enjoyed the Avengers but it was definitely a transition movie from the original crew to the new group.

That said, James Spader makes the best villain
the new group will be on caps side in Civil war...
I'm torn on seeing the new Avengers movie. I've liked the individual movies from the various Avengers, but the first Avengers movie had too many cooks in the kitchen and was just awful, imo. Loki is also an awful villain though so just having Ultron is probably a huge improvement.
Hal, just retitle this the Avengers 2 thread. Its what people seem to want. Also, saw it and really liked it. Definitely a set up film and if folks haven't been following tge stand alone fims leading up to this, they could be lost. Also, if the hulk buster suit can fight hulk toe to toe, why not use it more against other foes? father in law does that stuff...i have no interest in putting on real armor and being hit by rattan or foam...

ive seen him come home with bloody ears with how hard hes gotten hit going to those events...
My father-in-law builds houses.