Finally got to see it

Sir Galahad

Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2004
So my 16 year old was today as my wife and I were with him. Were driving down the interstate when some dumbass motorcycle douche goes blowing by us on the white line weaving in and out of cars. As he tried to cut hard to the right to get on the off ramp his back tire slides out and he rolls several times up the off ramp. Just laughed my ass off as I drove as people were honking. It was intense yet I thought it was funny as hell.
So my 16 year old was today as my wife and I were with him. Were driving down the interstate when some dumbass motorcycle douche goes blowing by us on the white line weaving in and out of cars. As he tried to cut hard to the right to get on the off ramp his back tire slides out and he rolls several times up the off ramp. Just laughed my ass off as I drove as people were honking. It was intense yet I thought it was funny as hell.

What does this mean?
What does this mean?
I said it only to point out that as the douche bag motorcycle rider came within three inches of our car at 65 MPH my son who has only been driving for six months dealt with the idiot on the bike well. The idiot motorcycle rider was damn lucky my son did not freak out and hit him.

85 and ninja, it was humorous as he only almost killed himself instead of others. I have zero patience for white lining morons that put everyone else in danger. It's called natural selection and if they are stupid enough to white line at 80 MPH, they deserve what they get.
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Horribly titled thread only to be outdone by an even shittier post

Oh please, I have watched these idiots time and again do this crap and not care one bit who they hurt so to think some idiot only hurt himself and by the way only slid into the burn on the off ramp, I could care less. And don't believe for one minute anyone that has had the white line crap done to them don't think about these idiots wiping out.
Oh please, I have watched these idiots time and again do this crap and not care one bit who they hurt so to think some idiot only hurt himself and by the way only slid into the burn on the off ramp, I could care less. And don't believe for one minute anyone that has had the white line crap done to them don't think about these idiots wiping out.

Could you?
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I said it only to point out that as the douche bag motorcycle rider came within three inches of our car at 65 MPH my son who has only been driving for six months dealt with the idiot on the bike well. The idiot motorcycle rider was damn lucky my son did not freak out and hit him.
You need to be a tougher father if you're worried about your little weenie of a son freaking out when a fast motorcycle passes him on the road.
You need to be a tougher father if you're worried about your little weenie of a son freaking out when a fast motorcycle passes him on the road.
As long as my son does not turn out to be a hipster douche bag I will be fine.
That douche got what he deserved. Hope the stay in the hospital makes him realize driving like that could kill him the next time.
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That douche got what he deserved. Hope the stay in the hospital makes him realize driving like that could kill him the next time.
I don't give a damn about him but the way he was weavng in and out of traffics at well over 80 MPH, he is going to cause someone else to get hurt and that would be a shame.