Food stamps going up 25%

He should have given that money to billionaires.
Funny how "given" is a word when we are talking about "paying" taxes. As you go up the chain of income, the more you make the higher % of taxes you pay for the income groups. Fake narrative
It is funny you actually believe that. LOL.
Food stamps are one of the most cost effective welfare programs we have.

$60/week per person is quite livable, although probably does not allow the best food choices. Then again, I can stretch the dollar with fresh vegatables.

It only costs me about $60/week for my 'Raw' Vegan style diet.
I then eat fresh meats 3 times/week, max.

I just picked up a 12lbs Brisket for $2.99/lb yesterday at Kroger here in HSV, and will cut half and grind burgers for this weekend (and reheat through next week), and then save the other half for another week (possibly to smoke).
At least have accurate information if you're going to call someone a dummy. This is for the government cheese slackers...

The benefits are awarded on a sliding scale, and the new maximum will rise to $835 a month for a family of four, an increase of 21 percent. (The average benefit will increase by 27 percent from pre pandemic levels, adjusted for inflation.)
I was being nice calling you a dummy.
A single person gets a maximum of around $240. I am guessing a couple gets about twice that and a family of 4 get between $900 and $1,000.

Instead of reducing or trying to eliminate the benefit, there should be more control on who gets it and how it escalates with more kids.
I am ok with $240/person/month with $400/couple/month. $400 should be the maximum benefit regardless of the size of the household.
Again, I have no problem with the food stamps allotment. Food stamps are one of the most directly effective welfare programs. I only have a problem with how some things are categorized, but that'll always be the case.

I live in places smaller than what some Section 8 and other people get, even just singles without kids. Heck, when my wife and I first married, we lived in a tiny, 400 sq ft apartment. I have other problems with some welfare than food stamps.

Let alone there is a lot of questionable social programs, let alone tax credits, that are given to families with a combined income over $100K, that when eliminated, would cut things far more than food stamps should be. People are barking up the wrong tree.

And I'm a Neo-Liberal, Classic Libertarian who really hates most of these programs too.
At least have accurate information if you're going to call someone a dummy.
Heeeeeelllloooooo. We were talking about a single person receiving food stamps. Who was the dummy who said it was almost $1,000 per month? What did you have to do to begin to sniff that amount?
Imagine complaining about poverty induced crime while also opposing food stamps.
Imagine ignoring the fact that amnesty cities are actually organized crime cities, and the lockdown sent more people to organized crime which is now a good fraction of our unrealized GDP, as well as the fact that some are working for crime, while collecting unemployment benefits.

You can't keep being a subjective hypocrite any more than the GOP/Trump fanboys. You're both sending this country into a tailspin because we won't tackle the real problems. The lockdown and authoritarianism caused more welfare and increases in crime than anything the GOP did to the economy prior.

That's why I side more with the GOP now, because they want to end the rush to Marxism and the centrally planned Soviet model, all while disarming us 'detractors.'