For all the statue people...

So, what's your point? After ~30 years the guy didn't have his heart 100% into it? It happens to about everybody at some point. He wanted to retire after 2013 but someone waved a bunch of money in his face. They should have let him ride off into the sunset while we were on a high. In fact, we might never have 2017 if we don't have 2015. We just don't know.

Is your point that he made a bad personnel decision about a player? It happened a lot more than once...I guarantee that. He's in a leadership position and when you are, you are going to make good and bad decisions. That just comes with that responsibility. I can also tell you he made a whole heck of a lot more good decisions with personnel because there is no way he is successful for as long as he was without doing so. Belicheck just benched the Superbowl. Bad decision that he's going to regret but when you are in charge you make decisions and deal with the consequences.

The bottom line is, as a player you keep going about your business because you never know when your opportunity might come up. It might be because of hard work, injury or a coaching change.

BTW, thanks for posting the link because it's a good read.
Only coach with two winless seasons... (in fact UCF is one of only two schools with two winless seasons). Had 5 losing season out of 11 total seasons. Losing record against our biggest rival. Had a player die under his watch. Had our program sanctioned two separate times. They should destroy that statue and replace it with a frost statue.
GOL's positive influence on the program FAR exceeds the negative, and people posting to the contrary do not know what a mess the program was prior to 2004.

Yes, Griffen was unfairly overlooked by the ENTIRE defensive staff not just GOL.
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Man you people are relentless in your blind (and I do mean blind) hatred for GOL. Anything negative gets immediate reaction and anything positive is immediately written off. GOL was a very important piece of UCF's growth as a program. He brought stability and instant credibility to UCF at a time when we were floundering and looking for national recognition and credibility. If you can't see that then you have no appreciation for UCF football history. He also stayed 2 years beyond his time at UCF.

While he left in defeat, GOL left a solid base behind both athletically and academically. Frost did not succeed because he is some miracle worker, he succeeded because he utilized what was left to maximum potential. Without what GOL built, Frost would never have come to UCF. We are better off that GOL is not our coach or AD. So just stop already. Move on and let your hatred go.
Man you people are relentless in your blind (and I do mean blind) hatred for GOL. Anything negative gets immediate reaction and anything positive is immediately written off. GOL was a very important piece of UCF's growth as a program. He brought stability and instant credibility to UCF at a time when we were floundering and looking for national recognition and credibility. If you can't see that then you have no appreciation for UCF football history. He also stayed 2 years beyond his time at UCF.

While he left in defeat, GOL left a solid base behind both athletically and academically. Frost did not succeed because he is some miracle worker, he succeeded because he utilized what was left to maximum potential. Without what GOL built, Frost would never have come to UCF. We are better off that GOL is not our coach or AD. So just stop already. Move on and let your hatred go.
That's probably all that needs to be said. GOL was a hard coach, but he did a lot with little. The statue is actually softer than the Statue.
Man you people are relentless in your blind (and I do mean blind) hatred for GOL. Anything negative gets immediate reaction and anything positive is immediately written off. GOL was a very important piece of UCF's growth as a program. He brought stability and instant credibility to UCF at a time when we were floundering and looking for national recognition and credibility. If you can't see that then you have no appreciation for UCF football history. He also stayed 2 years beyond his time at UCF.

While he left in defeat, GOL left a solid base behind both athletically and academically. Frost did not succeed because he is some miracle worker, he succeeded because he utilized what was left to maximum potential. Without what GOL built, Frost would never have come to UCF. We are better off that GOL is not our coach or AD. So just stop already. Move on and let your hatred go.

Money did all of that. GOL prolonged the rise of UCF. There was no consistency. SF was the one that Made UCF Great Again! #MUCFGA
We are clearly better without the statue than with.
The zen master says, “We shall see.” We should be better overall because our program is in better hands (Danny White) but we have to let 10 years go by. We’re two years into the post-GOL era:
1. 1 NY6 Bowl victory (check)
2. 3.3 Conference titles (we have 1 so far)
3. # of 10 win seasons: 4 (we have 1 so far)
4. Self-proclaimed Natty that previous staffs can’t claim. (check)

Seems like in the next 8 years we should eclipse 2.3 conference titles. I also think we are better prepared to be consistently better. Younger, hungrier staffs are more likely to reach out to more, local players to be successful asap, so they can cash that in for a bigger pay day job in a P5 conference (It sucks that this is our current lot in life but DW is playing into this very well)

As for something like Bowl victories, I don’t put s ton of emphasis on this since you can be 6-6 and make a Bowl.

That statue is hideous and should be taken down.
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Money did all of that. GOL prolonged the rise of UCF. There was no consistency. SF was the one that Made UCF Great Again! #MUCFGA
Fins another team that was a crappy as we were and with the mess we had before Statue's arrival. A lot of schools that were better than us went through a flurry of hot coaches and still didn't end up were we did at the end of GOL's tenure. He was a steady and grumpy force building this program.

Frost came in like an enema clearing out all the shit and having us fresh assed for 2017. Then like anything that has been in your butt, he went to Nebraska.
Money did all of that. GOL prolonged the rise of UCF. There was no consistency. SF was the one that Made UCF Great Again! #MUCFGA
Stop already. Money does not buy success. If it did South Carolina and Duke would have multiple national championships already. Somebody had to build a base. Something that never happened at places like USF, which is why they are still looking for a championship. You are just spoiled thats all. You don't know how good you have had it.
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Only coach with two winless seasons... (in fact UCF is one of only two schools with two winless seasons). Had 5 losing season out of 11 total seasons. Losing record against our biggest rival. Had a player die under his watch. Had our program sanctioned two separate times. They should destroy that statue and replace it with a frost statue.

50% of Frosts season's ended with a losing record, the statue wasn't even that bad.
Only coach with two winless seasons... (in fact UCF is one of only two schools with two winless seasons). Had 5 losing season out of 11 total seasons. Losing record against our biggest rival. Had a player die under his watch. Had our program sanctioned two separate times. They should destroy that statue and replace it with a frost statue.
The players partied like a Dictator was toppled when he stepped down
Stop already. Money does not buy success. If it did South Carolina and Duke would have multiple national championships already. Somebody had to build a base. Something that never happened at places like USF, which is why they are still looking for a championship. You are just spoiled thats all. You don't know how good you have had it.

Money doesn't buy success, but it helps. :pimp:
The players partied like a Dictator was toppled when he stepped down

Saddam O'Leary.

The players partied like a Dictator was toppled when he stepped down
Yeah it was time to go by then. The real issue I have with GOL was that he wanted to bring "his guys" (i.e. Key) in to follow him when he should have just told the admin to start a coaching search.
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Look George did a lot of good things (many off the field) BUTT describes his dictator like attitude on the field. He threw away all of coach K's players his first season here. He had the players burnt out by his last year (and this word was on the streets to local recruits). And for all the gems he found and developed sure seemed like he discarded many due to his antics at practice and in games (sideline antics). He yelled at everybody including the water boy which happened on that fateful, lowest day of our history.
Fins another team that was a crappy as we were and with the mess we had before Statue's arrival. A lot of schools that were better than us went through a flurry of hot coaches and still didn't end up were we did at the end of GOL's tenure. He was a steady and grumpy force building this program.

Frost came in like an enema clearing out all the shit and having us fresh assed for 2017. Then like anything that has been in your butt, he went to Nebraska.

How were we so crappy. We were one season removed from a 7-5 season and stocked with NFL players. Love the revisionist history. As someone who lived through McDowell, Keys and GOL I can say our program was not in shambles.

And the national recognition, that’s laughable. He had national recognition for lying and being dumped by Notre Dame. (Truly UCF took a gamble on him)

And he did not build the stadium. That was in the works for years prior to his arrival.

I respect the conference titles and 2010 Liberty Bowl, 2014 Fiesta Bowl but overall his coaching was suspect. This has been mentioned repeatedly by his players also, even going back to his GT days.
Even as a pro-O'Leary legacy Knight, I consider his #1 screw-up to be not playing #18.

As far as everything else, he was from a different time. I accepted the realities when he was let go. I was happy when we announced Frost. There's no reason to lambast O'Leary because he made some mistakes and didn't always take the correct approach.

I'm glad everything happened how it did ... for everyone.
How were we so crappy. We were one season removed from a 7-5 season and stocked with NFL players. Love the revisionist history. As someone who lived through McDowell, Keys and GOL I can say our program was not in shambles.

And the national recognition, that’s laughable. He had national recognition for lying and being dumped by Notre Dame. (Truly UCF took a gamble on him)

And he did not build the stadium. That was in the works for years prior to his arrival.

I respect the conference titles and 2010 Liberty Bowl, 2014 Fiesta Bowl but overall his coaching was suspect. This has been mentioned repeatedly by his players also, even going back to his GT days.

As someone who lived through Saben, McDowell, Kruz and GOL I say you are just dead wrong. It is not revisionist. UCF did not accomplish anything until GOL. He did not throw players aside, he installed discipline which was sorely lacking under Kruz. one year away from 7-5? You think 7-5 a successful season? Assuming you do we still lost to everyone with a pulse, but hey, those victories over Liberty, Akron and Buffalo rocked. We could not even win the MAC for crying out loud. You have to go all the way back to Daunte and the 9-2 season for anything remotely positive. But even that season we lost to the only tough teams we played. You must think that living in the "we almost beat UGA and we almost beat Auburn and we almost beat Miss State and we were ahead of Nebraska at halftime" days were something other than just pure frustration. I know, I drank the kool-aide for a while too. Was kind of cute being the best 0-3 team in the nation. Have to go back to 1993 to have a season that had more than 8 wins when we lost to Troy and ECU. GOL took us out of that. Yes he ruffled feathers, yes he was a tough old school coach. But he is the coach that took us to the next level. Because of him you can get mad when we lose to Arkansas State in a bowl game instead of just being glad to be there.

If I remember correctly the stadium feasibility study was commission when George was hired.and we got the results around mid-2005. He also insisted that an indoor practice facility be built. GOL's resume was only an issue to those who hated him and UCF. He brought us credibility with the football business people like analysis, and coaches etc.

In the end you cannot argue with this:

Pre GOL: 0 Championships, 0 bowl appearances, 0 signature wins (Yes we beat a miserable Bama which at the time seemed great but in retrospect was not all that impressive) 0 rankings of any kind and the best "almost won" record in the nation. Poor academic record.

GOL Era: 4 conference championships; 5 division titles; 7 bowl appearances; BCS bowl victory, top 10 ranking; multiple wins against top 10 ranked teams; 2 0 win seasons, best academics possible.

It does not happen with just money or location, or else USF would have done all of this and more given their place in the Big East.

Scott Frost was an awesome coach and I wish he was still here. But he feasted on GOL recruits as well as his own.

I know it's water under the bridge. After loss in first Liberty Bowl, I had seen enough of O'Leary football. I did enjoy watching Kevin Smith run but will always wondered if GOL burnt him out for the pros his last season.

New era. Hope we don't return to the old ways. We'll see how this staff works out. Nothing lasts forever in the football world.

Still think the first statue should have been Daunte. Much prefer the players get the credit especially with coaches signing multi-million dollar contracts these days while players get used like pawns in the game of Chess.
Heup's tweet says it all. Accomplishments in the last 12 years. I would have added 2 top 10 finishes.

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As someone who lived through Saben, McDowell, Kruz and GOL I say you are just dead wrong. It is not revisionist. UCF did not accomplish anything until GOL. He did not throw players aside, he installed discipline which was sorely lacking under Kruz. one year away from 7-5? You think 7-5 a successful season? Assuming you do we still lost to everyone with a pulse, but hey, those victories over Liberty, Akron and Buffalo rocked. We could not even win the MAC for crying out loud. You have to go all the way back to Daunte and the 9-2 season for anything remotely positive. But even that season we lost to the only tough teams we played. You must think that living in the "we almost beat UGA and we almost beat Auburn and we almost beat Miss State and we were ahead of Nebraska at halftime" days were something other than just pure frustration. I know, I drank the kool-aide for a while too. Was kind of cute being the best 0-3 team in the nation. Have to go back to 1993 to have a season that had more than 8 wins when we lost to Troy and ECU. GOL took us out of that. Yes he ruffled feathers, yes he was a tough old school coach. But he is the coach that took us to the next level. Because of him you can get mad when we lose to Arkansas State in a bowl game instead of just being glad to be there.

If I remember correctly the stadium feasibility study was commission when George was hired.and we got the results around mid-2005. He also insisted that an indoor practice facility be built. GOL's resume was only an issue to those who hated him and UCF. He brought us credibility with the football business people like analysis, and coaches etc.

In the end you cannot argue with this:

Pre GOL: 0 Championships, 0 bowl appearances, 0 signature wins (Yes we beat a miserable Bama which at the time seemed great but in retrospect was not all that impressive) 0 rankings of any kind and the best "almost won" record in the nation. Poor academic record.

GOL Era: 4 conference championships; 5 division titles; 7 bowl appearances; BCS bowl victory, top 10 ranking; multiple wins against top 10 ranked teams; 2 0 win seasons, best academics possible.

It does not happen with just money or location, or else USF would have done all of this and more given their place in the Big East.

Scott Frost was an awesome coach and I wish he was still here. But he feasted on GOL recruits as well as his own.

AWESOME post....the reason this program was rebuilt so quickly was because the program had a strong foundation.....thanks Coach George.