Former Head of Israel’s Space Program: The Aliens Asked Not To Be Revealed, Humanity Not Yet Ready

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Here is a exerpt from his Twitter feed.

Highlights from the twitter thread: 1/4

Prof. Haim eshed(81), former head of Israel's satellite program in a new interview that came out today in an Israeli newspaper:

He has a lot to say about the phenomenon. Here is is an excerpt regarding Skinwalker ranch:

"Abnormal phenomena have been documented on this farm," an enthusiastic cascade. "A team of NASA scientists and MIT alumni brought all the possible devices there - cameras, spectrometers, X-ray, UV, IR, all the fields, and see things I, who have been researching for ten years was left with my mouth open. Not just me. I spoke with Prof. Itzik Ben-Israel (the current chairman of the Space Agency) who always grinned a little, and he was also moved. "

What did they see there?

"Do you know the term portal in this context? So you see a UFO that appears - you shoot it in the whole spectrum of cameras, you see the radiation at all frequencies, it goes wild!"

Can it not be some familiar aerial vehicle?

"No! It shows clear signs of UFOs: insane accelerations, lack of gravity, 90-degree turns at tremendous speeds, deformation. And all the scientists there are in complete shock. "

And what does the UFO do?

"You see the radiation bounce, and you see how a transformative body comes, a light comes out of it at a frequency you can't see with the naked eye - in fact you see nothing when you look normally… but in cameras, at high frequencies, you see that body perform "Cattle Mutilation" - it draws blood from the cattle on the ground in front of your eyes. "

What exactly did they see?

"Something like a cloud like that. Like drawing a ghost to children. It's an undefined, amorphous cloud, and the rays emanate from it, and you see the cow twitching. And when it's over everyone runs to the field to see, and there's nothing there, no blood - but the cow's body has a cut. It's like with a laser. They took out her organs and drew blood for her! If they told me that, I would say, 'Sorry, this is a show’. But MIT professors and leading researchers have seen and confirmed it, and everyone's shocked."

Why does Robert Bigelow himself not tell about it?

"He received huge funding from NASA as part of programs that my friends from there are just mumbling about under his nose, and he pledged in writing that everything goes to the Pentagon and is housed there. It annoys him that the Department of Defense is not willing to take anything out. "

Eshed seems to be much younger and energetic than his age. His study room, is packed with books, commendations, and countless folders where he meticulously keeps every piece of publication associated with his interest subjects - including as of the last decade, Extra terrestrials. And he talks about this subject with same look of fire in his eyes as Richard Dreyfuss in Spielberg's 'Encounters of the 3rd kind’.

The amount of information Eshed acquired on the subject, along side his child-like enthusiasm, makes him zig zag between various matters and issues in a pattern quite similar to that of an UFO: rapid changes of direction, far-reaching acceleration, a form that stabilizes over time. The degree of his determination , even when it stand against common logic or to the perceptions of the "mainstream academy" as he calls it, accumulates throughout the conversation and eventually becomes rather convincing. His new book, "The Universe Beyond the Horizon (published by Yedioth Ahronoth), written in collaboration with the author Hagar Yanai, serves as a kind of biography that tells the story of his life, dedicating the entire last and extensive part to Ufology - the study of aliens and the hundreds of findings and evidence gathered in the field to date.

The materials are serious and authoritative, and do not include explicit references to "Alf" or "Mork of planet Ork". You quickly read these pages in the book and you find yourself mumbling at the end, against your good judgment: “damn, they're here”.
That’s why we are all getting fatter “Meep....morp....humanity is not plump enough, I mean ready. Let us share some more of our Little Debbie technology...” They show up every few years to feel our fingers and to see if global warming is slow roasting us thoroughly. They set Earth’s preheat around
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