Funding for the WHO for those with TDS


Golden Knight
Nov 27, 2005
Funding to the WHO by the numbers:
U.S.- $500 million
China - $48 million

U.S. population: 329 million
China population: 1.39 billion

And China doesn't even get condemnation with their lack of transparency with the world.
Funding to the WHO by the numbers:
U.S.- $500 million
China - $48 million

U.S. population: 329 million
China population: 1.39 billion

And China doesn't even get condemnation with their lack of transparency with the world.
*But, but, but, but bad man Trump praised them in January. That’s all that matters

By golly, he already praised them. so for the the TDS shook, that’s final!!!! We can’t go back on that and we MUST continue to pay them 1/2 billion a year
Funny the msm doesn't send out how much more we give than China. Feed the masses fake news. They consume it and believe it.
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Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in the U.S. and a key member of Trump's coronavirus task force, has said misinformation from China, repeated by the WHO, had affected U.S. response efforts.
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The WHO even gave money to NK who claim to have no cases. Maybe because China is NKs big brother
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Who cares? 329M? Trumps golf trips have cost more than that.

Where's our 28M tests that were promised by the end of March. We've tested 3M total.

Wow...that is a switch-a-roo. Trump golf has something to do with us giving the WHO 1,000% more than China even with a much smaller population and folks that don't eat raw bats?

Back to the stupid tests conversation. We are doing more tests than most countries. This isn't China. You can't make someone take a test.
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Wow...that is a switch-a-roo. Trump golf has something to do with us giving the WHO 1,000% more than China even with a much smaller population and folks that don't eat raw bats?

Back to the stupid tests conversation. We are doing more tests than most countries. This isn't China. You can't make someone take a test.
He wants us to be more like China, where they literally welded doors shut so people can't leave their homes
Japan now looking at reviewing funding for WHO after the pandemic. Interesting take...maybe finally cleaning house.
FRUMP has totally dropped the ball. Only a tiny fraction of the US population has been tested.
The term 'Test' isn't the same in the APAC as the US.

E.g., The ROK (South Korea) and ROC (Taiwan) were just giving people 'quick physicals' and not actually administering the -- still being developed -- 'test kits.' Even the 'test kits' themselves were undergoing constant changes and improvements January - March.

The US Media didn't highlight that. They also don't highlight the fact that APAC has a lot of experience with SARS and other respiratory diseases. We in the western world do not. That's why many of our western allies are doing far, far worse, per-capita, than the US ... far, far worse. But the US Media hopes Americans cannot do math.

Trump cannot 'distribute education,' and that's the same problem with all the western communities. It was never 'test kits.' But the US Media makes us dumb, so we think there is some magical 'test kit' that the ROK and the ROC were using from Day 1.

In any case, there are many lessons learned for all western medical communities, including the 'quick physicals' that the ROK and ROC did use, and were very helpful. This 'Orange Man Bad' syndrome needs to die off. Trump did everything the CDC told them to. Dr. Fauci has repeatedly stated that, and the US Media literally won't stop with the BS.

Because Dr. Fauci has been 100% spot-on, and the US Media keeps lying about what he says, just like they did Mueller. Dr. Fauci has been pro-hydroxychloroquine, just like he was (after the first couple of years fighting them) pro-ddC/pro-ddl, during the HIV epidemic. The US FDA was wrong and very late to taking hydroxychloroquine off-label. That was stupid, and the US FDA was one of the last, western nations to do it.

The only reason some people are alive in Michigan and other states that banned or limited hydroxychloroquine because of the 'Orange Man Bad' syndrome is because they qualified for it under Lymes or another disease. This includes an African-American state politician in Michigan, who said it immediately helped, and her doctor agrees.

Hydroxychloroquine does not cure malaria, lymes or other diseases either, and is 100% pallative, just like for SARS-CoV2 and other SARS diseases. It's 100% pallative. But the US Media treats us like 3rd graders, and the 'Orange Man Bad' syndrome means we have to 'fight' anything that even remotely agrees with what he is saying.

In some cases, this means political edicts that are medically irresponsible, taking the power out of the hands of individual doctors. Just like we did with HIV as well.
Japan now looking at reviewing funding for WHO after the pandemic. Interesting take...maybe finally cleaning house.
Oh, all of APAC is seriously pissed off at PRC-WHO relationship right now. I don't think Americans realize how much there is massive support for holding the PRC, especially its CCP, accountable among the nations of the Pacific rim.

But here in the US, because of 'Orange Man Bad,' anything Trump says that could be considered remotely 'compatible' with a view, is downplayed. So as the criticism on the PRC ramps up, it will be downplayed her in the US, making it look like we don't care. And if that means Trump is at odds with the US Media, then that's only going to help Trump in the election.

It hasn't 'blown up' yet. But it will. It didn't help a Canadian WHO official was 'cut off' in a conference call. Most Americans don't realize why the WHO, like the UN, always defers anything to the PRC and its CCP. But those days may be finally coming to an end. It's been nearly 50 years since the '72 pivot. It needs to end.