Georgia Officials to Trump: Stop the BS!!!


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
Republicans need to rein this in for the sake of their own party, if nothing else. Trump is creating a civil war within the party, and all that is going to do is end up hurting themselves. Not to mention, there are already voters saying they arent going to vote in the GA Senate races because they think the outcome is already decided.
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Upon reflection, what were those Georgia election officials thinking when they charged that Trump's rhetoric could lead to violence?

We all know violence is limited to poor Black communities who are "politically motivated by Antifa" to loot and riot.

I'm sure our Usual Suspects will tell us that any gun-toting Chud who steps in to 'defend liberty' (against authoritarian Governor mask mandates, leftist street protesters, or rampant voter fraud cover-ups) is an simply an stand-up, American hero exercising his Second Amendment rights.
After months of looting and rioting with most dem officials refusing to acknowledge it, let alone condemn it, I'm not too terribly concerned about this.
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After months of looting and rioting with most dem officials refusing to acknowledge it, let alone condemn it.....
Months of rioting? Most Democrats refusing to acknowledge it?

In what make-believe world did these things happen in?
What do you honestly think about this? @UCFKnight85 @Bob the Citronaut @fabknight


Republicans don't care. They won't say a word. Trump could kill somebody in the middle of the street and his voters, Republican congressmen, and the rest of the lemmings, won't do a thing.
Then they will claim religious moral superiority. F*ck all y'all.

Republicans need to rein this in for the sake of their own party, if nothing else. Trump is creating a civil war within the party, and all that is going to do is end up hurting themselves. Not to mention, there are already voters saying they arent going to vote in the GA Senate races because they think the outcome is already decided.

The problem is, they don't need to reign it it for their own party. Their voters are dumb and angry, and will continue to vote for them no matter what. We just saw it. This election was a landslide, but it shouldn't have been within 20% with this assbucket President we have and his merry band of dickhead morons.
You still can't do it. None of you. You're a disgrace to America.
You can't just come out and say, "that's enough. It is over, Democrats. Shut up, lose with dignity, and stop inciting people."

did you say this at any point the last 4 years?
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They immediately started calls for impeachment, resist, etc. At least Republicans are busy with work to riot and burn down cities
The largest demographic of republicans is poor white and non college educated. List of states that have never had an unemployment rate under 4: Alaska, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, West Virginia.
The largest demographic of republicans is poor white and non college educated. List of states that have never had an unemployment rate under 4: Alaska, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, West Virginia.
hope you didn't hurt yourself with those mental gymnastics.

anyways, the 4 states with double digit unemployment all happen to be blue.

class dismissed
hope you didn't hurt yourself with those mental gymnastics.

anyways, the 4 states with double digit unemployment all happen to be blue.

class dismissed
The poorest states which take on the most welfare are brick red. No gymnastics needed. Yeah there are blue states with high unemployment now if they are heavy in industries impacted by the global pandemic like tourism.
I have not seen Trump supporters burn down a single target store yet. So I say shut the hell up, and worry about the Antifa/BLM Bidet's.
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The poorest states which take on the most welfare are brick red. No gymnastics needed. Yeah there are blue states with high unemployment now if they are heavy in industries impacted by the global pandemic like tourism.
state with the highest number of snap recipients by % of population is blue.
lowest is red.

state with the highest number of welfare recipients per capita is blue.
lowest is red.

take a lap
Both must be Condemned. The Riots and the Violence that is Happening to Workers and those in Charge of Counting and certifying votes. Our President must call for a stop to Violence. Only he has the power to stop it.
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You’ve got to laugh out loud at Chuds who post Twitter ‘facts’ with red disclaimer tags of ‘This claim is disputed.’

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Wow...I mean shocking because media and big tech is in bed with the democrats. Easy to control the masses with propaganda huh?
Ooooh, media, big tech, and the scientific community are all conspiring to keep the little guy down. It’s such a crying shame.
How's your hypocrite governors doing with covid?
I support Governors, Democrat or Republican, who take the pandemic seriously, publicly and privately.