Go With The Flow - Free Edition

I think it's really because we have a circle campus. Can't really get people out very quickly.

Also, because of where BHNS is located...there is virtually zero parking North and East of the Stadium...which is why some fans have to park almost a mile away in Garage A.

Many stadiums have parking almost 360 degrees around them, even in a private setting (i.e. in Gainesville in their Ghetto), something UCF really can't take advantage of.
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UCF's situation isn't unique. Even Ben Hill Griffin doesn't have much in the way of parking south of the stadium. The big difference in traffic flow is that two hours before game time, certain roads become one way in. And for an hour after gametime, those roads are one way out and they switch both direction lanes to be the same direction (inbound lanes become outbound). Both lanes of Libra need to become outbound after the game.
UCF's situation isn't unique. Even Ben Hill Griffin doesn't have much in the way of parking south of the stadium.


UF has parking all up/down North/South Drive that is South of the Stadium (stupid school replaced the name of North/South drive for some reason...only street name that made any sense), including large garage(s), plus other numerous campus lots/garages just Southeast of the stadium (some booster lots, some general parking)