GOL haters board


Golden Knight
Oct 14, 2010
The snobs who pay 10 bucks a month call this the kiddie board. Nope. Thanks to firm and cmonty we rechristen this the GOL haters board. Any topic related to getting rid of GOL is welcome here.

I heard when the fire GOL banner was flown, that a good percentage of the Dungeon did not approve. I was told that some of the posters said that whoever flew that banner wouldnt support the next coach either. That is when i knew that the GOL propaganda (KL and BS) was confusing the fanbase.

Well the fire GOL banner image is welcome on the free board...the hater board. Quit trying to kiss Dungeon butt because you think having the inside info makes you cool. . They have no shame even when the program hits dirt bottom. Dont let these arrogant, energy siphoning maggots attempt to convince you that nothing is wrong.
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The snobs who pay 10 bucks a month call this the kiddie board. Nope. Thanks to firm and cmonty we rechristen this the GOL haters board. Any topic related to getting rid of GOL is welcome here.

I heard when the fire GOL banner was flown, that a good percentage of the Dungeon did not approve. I was told that some of the posters said that whoever flew that banner wouldnt support the next coach either. That is when i knew that the GOL propaganda (KL and BS) was confusing the fanbase.

Well the fire GOL banner image is welcome on the free board...the hater board. Quit trying to kiss Dungeon butt because you think having the inside info makes you cool. . They have no shame even when the program hits dirt bottom. Dont let these arrogant, energy siphoning maggots attempt to convince you that nothing is wrong.

where is KL anyway....he has been glaringly missing from this board lately....

hello, calling KL...isn't it time you did some "inner circle" posting to try to defend your buddies?
The only real difference between the open board and the dungeon are our join dates, which I'm guessing roughly correlates to age. Be careful dissing us because you'll likely be joining us at some point ;) And really, the dungeon is filled with these threads right now too, sooo...

My two cents is that GOL is a program builder, not so much a game day coach. A lot of folks felt that going in, and as hard as it was for me to admit after his if-y start, we've benefitted greatly from it over the long haul. Coach K was maybe the opposite and things were on a shaky foundation at best. "If all you want is top 25, I'm not interested" spoke to that -- it wasn't a statement about winning, it was a statement about building a program the "right" way. "Laying tracks" as GOL used to put it.

The coach we all hope to land might be possible post-GOL. But if it is, it'll be because of GOL. He'll go out when he's ready. I'm guessing he doesn't want to rebuild everything any more than some of you want him to, so we'll be fine.
The only real difference between the open board and the dungeon are our join dates, which I'm guessing roughly correlates to age. Be careful dissing us because you'll likely be joining us at some point ;) And really, the dungeon is filled with these threads right now too, sooo...

My two cents is that GOL is a program builder, not so much a game day coach. A lot of folks felt that going in, and as hard as it was for me to admit after his if-y start, we've benefitted greatly from it over the long haul. Coach K was maybe the opposite and things were on a shaky foundation at best. "If all you want is top 25, I'm not interested" spoke to that -- it wasn't a statement about winning, it was a statement about building a program the "right" way. "Laying tracks" as GOL used to put it.

The coach we all hope to land might be possible post-GOL. But if it is, it'll be because of GOL. He'll go out when he's ready. I'm guessing he doesn't want to rebuild everything any more than some of you want him to, so we'll be fine.

"be careful dissing us".....whaaat? are you serious?

this is all just my opinion but....

I've been around since 2001, on both boards, and have chosen this one only because it isn't lead by "inner circle" bias....and you should consider the same...and it's not just was a few of us that the Kruczek family posted vehemently against on this board many years ago, defending him when we insisted he would make a great OC but wasn't head coaching material and needed to be fired.....and many on the "other board" including KL attacked us every time we posted there during that time and, for the most part, since...but when it's time to cut the cord with a HC, it needs to happen and quickly...

back to GOL....he takes credit when we win (how often did he say that the players deserve the credit for our winning years?) and passes the blame (they don't have any talent when he recruited them) in the losing years... and his double talking is becoming mind boggling (we'll be a good team two months ago is now we don't have any talent)....he has chased off many potentially good players and inserted others into ridiculous roles which don't put them in a position to succeed....he's not a good game day coach....and you say he runs a good program but we've had recruiting restrictions forced on us, from the NCAA, during his tenure, and he blames those restrictions for our problems as well....just this year he's had multiple players leave the program because of drug problems and a starting db shot....but, of course, this is all someone else's fault...he accepts credit with open arms but deflects any blame....and that's the facts....

and to claim that if the next coach is successful it will be because of GOL is ridiculous.....

UCF needs all hands on deck right now (on both boards)...unless some good decisions are made quickly, we are losing a fan base and becoming the butt of jokes in sports media....and it will take a while to bring it back (unless we have another Fiesta Bowl season which, with these coaches/recruiters in place, isn't on the horizon)....
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Jebus, take a breath and stop projecting. I'm pointing out that most of the dungeon started off as younger fans on the open board.

I'm also not saying the next coach will be successful because of GOL. I'm saying we'll be able to recruit a much higher caliber coach because of GOL. There's a huge, obvious, difference that anyone not fuming at the mouth would understand.

We were just listed as one of the top G5 destinations of P5 coaches polled. That absolutely would not have been the case after Coach K. GOL created a strong foundation, pushed for facility improvements, and instilled a culture that actually values the student aspect of the term student athlete.

While doing so, he won multiple bowls, multiple conference titles and multiple coach of the year awards. This season aside, UCF is amongst the winningest teams in the country. We're one of only a few non power teams to win a major bowl during that time frame, and one of only a few to finish in the top 10.

You've clearly disliked GOL since he arrived. And that's fine. I did too for a long time. But my guess is you've largely sat back silently on the subject to only now start spitting vitriol anonymously on the internet when things go bad. Almost every single one of these hater posts manages to work in something about Coach K, as if he didn't go on to become a shitty coordinator journeyman relegated to HS after his tenure at UCF. He, too, was garbage. Just garbage without the administrative and program building skills of George.

It is possible to be upset at the state of the program, think it's time for GOL to retire and be grateful for his time here. These aren't mutually exclusive positions and there's no need for the over dramatization or false binary choice between "huggers" and "haters".

Shocking, I know.
Jebus, take a breath and stop projecting. I'm pointing out that most of the dungeon started off as younger fans on the open board.

I'm also not saying the next coach will be successful because of GOL. I'm saying we'll be able to recruit a much higher caliber coach because of GOL. There's a huge, obvious, difference that anyone not fuming at the mouth would understand.

We were just listed as one of the top G5 destinations of P5 coaches polled. That absolutely would not have been the case after Coach K. GOL created a strong foundation, pushed for facility improvements, and instilled a culture that actually values the student aspect of the term student athlete.

While doing so, he won multiple bowls, multiple conference titles and multiple coach of the year awards. This season aside, UCF is amongst the winningest teams in the country. We're one of only a few non power teams to win a major bowl during that time frame, and one of only a few to finish in the top 10.

You've clearly disliked GOL since he arrived. And that's fine. I did too for a long time. But my guess is you've largely sat back silently on the subject to only now start spitting vitriol anonymously on the internet when things go bad. Almost every single one of these hater posts manages to work in something about Coach K, as if he didn't go on to become a shitty coordinator journeyman relegated to HS after his tenure at UCF. He, too, was garbage. Just garbage without the administrative and program building skills of George.

It is possible to be upset at the state of the program, think it's time for GOL to retire and be grateful for his time here. These aren't mutually exclusive positions and there's no need for the over dramatization or false binary choice between "huggers" and "haters".

Shocking, I know.

the truth is, if you want to be taken seriously on this board, don't start your post with "be careful dissing us" from the holds no water and reduces your credibility...and you seem to highlight GOL's positives and I, his negatives.....OK that's fine...

what's important is we seem to agree on GOL's removal right? I'm not sure because you talk around it... but we certainly don't agree on how he goes my opinion this is about UCF not GOL and UCF needs to act your comments I read that this is about GOL and not UCF and he should decide how/when he leaves...that's a big we agree to disagree, me on the side of UCF, you on the side of GOL (and that's what we call a hugger)....
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the truth is, if you want to be taken seriously on this board, don't start your post with "be careful dissing us" from the holds no water and reduces your credibility...and you seem to highlight GOL's positives and I, his negatives.....OK that's fine...

what's important is we seem to agree on GOL's removal right? I'm not sure because you talk around it... but we certainly don't agree on how he goes my opinion this is about UCF not GOL and UCF needs to act your comments I read that this is about GOL and not UCF and he should decide how/when he leaves...that's a big we agree to disagree, me on the side of UCF, you on the side of GOL (and that's what we call a hugger)....

Oh, I didn't realize. Thanks for explaining to me how the board works. Enjoy the free version while the rest of us pay $8/month to keep it running for you.

I haven't talked around anything -- GOL shouldn't be fired. We'll be in a great position when he retires, which I'd guess will be this year or next, and I'll be happy when he does.

Look, we're not going to be able to attract a top coach with money. We don't have any. And we all know that President Hitt isn't going to allow someone to come in and run a win at all costs program. We'll attract a top coach by pushing intangibles and upside, and a huge component of that will be allowing them to run a program the "right way". It is what it is.

Firing someone who's perceived to have built this place out of thin air after a single losing season, no matter how disastrous and painful it is to watch, doesn't help that sales pitch.

GOL has said he'll retire when he's having "too many bad days in a row". I have a feeling this problem solves itself soon enough, and no amount of internet bitching changes the timeline.

Pretty straight forward, really.
Oh, I didn't realize. Thanks for explaining to me how the board works. Enjoy the free version while the rest of us pay $8/month to keep it running for you.

I haven't talked around anything -- GOL shouldn't be fired. We'll be in a great position when he retires, which I'd guess will be this year or next, and I'll be happy when he does.

Look, we're not going to be able to attract a top coach with money. We don't have any. And we all know that President Hitt isn't going to allow someone to come in and run a win at all costs program. We'll attract a top coach by pushing intangibles and upside, and a huge component of that will be allowing them to run a program the "right way". It is what it is.

Firing someone who's perceived to have built this place out of thin air after a single losing season, no matter how disastrous and painful it is to watch, doesn't help that sales pitch.

GOL has said he'll retire when he's having "too many bad days in a row". I have a feeling this problem solves itself soon enough, and no amount of internet bitching changes the timeline.

Pretty straight forward, really.

interesting how you choose your words and tell half truths....this will be GOL's 5th losing season in 12 years....and at the pace he's going 2 of the 12 will be 0-12 one should survive those results, no matter that you claim he has "built this place out of thin air"....and really, do you believe that?

the truth is he contributed but he didn't single handedly build this place out of thin air...there were many important contributors starting with Orsini and Tribble with the backing of Hitt.....and the facilities were either built or in motion before GOL started having success as a coach.....GOL was nothing more than a struggling head football coach (50-51 in his first 8 years) until a great 3 year run recently with the help of some overachieving and talented players like Bortles, Worton, Periman and others, when he finally became a successful coach at UCF....and now after that success, and kids all over FL clearly indicating that UCF was on their radar, GOL says he's run out of talent could that be? Could it be that after considering having to play under GOL as a head coach they said thanks but no thanks?

but I my opinion, those successful years do not give GOL a "retire on your own terms" option...he doesn't have the legacy of a Bowden or Paterno and shouldn't be treated that way...if he fails he needs to go and he's failing right now....
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Oh, I didn't realize. Thanks for explaining to me how the board works. Enjoy the free version while the rest of us pay $8/month to keep it running for you.

I haven't talked around anything -- GOL shouldn't be fired. We'll be in a great position when he retires, which I'd guess will be this year or next, and I'll be happy when he does.

Look, we're not going to be able to attract a top coach with money. We don't have any. And we all know that President Hitt isn't going to allow someone to come in and run a win at all costs program. We'll attract a top coach by pushing intangibles and upside, and a huge component of that will be allowing them to run a program the "right way". It is what it is.

Firing someone who's perceived to have built this place out of thin air after a single losing season, no matter how disastrous and painful it is to watch, doesn't help that sales pitch.

GOL has said he'll retire when he's having "too many bad days in a row". I have a feeling this problem solves itself soon enough, and no amount of internet bitching changes the timeline.

Pretty straight forward, really.
He didn't build this place. Hundreds of millions of dollars built this place. GOL be gone.
this thread really does show a wide chasm between the UCF fans and the O'Leary's
too bad that we've come to this...
People act like he's paterno or bowden

Paterno or Bowden eh?

Bobby Bowden's record was 377-129 (and 12 vacated wins). He won two national championships and 12 ACC titles. His record against big conference teams since the formation of the BCS in 1998 was 22-14.

Joe Paterno's record was 409-136-3. He won two national championships and three Big 10 titles. He was 14-11 against big conference teams since the formation of the BCS in 1998.

George O'Leary is 81-66 at UCF. He has zero national championship (oh sorry cant forget that 2013 win at the Fiesta Bowl) and four conference titles (2 CUSA, 2 American). His record against against the big conference teams during his tenure is 7-23. While questionably worth staying at a program for 12 years because of its inept leadership that apparently spends money it doesnt have, he's hardly worth comparing. If thats the case if Bill Lewis decided to stay at ECU after an 11-1 record twenty plus years ago he should get the Paterno/Bowden treatment too.
Paterno or Bowden eh?

Bobby Bowden's record was 377-129 (and 12 vacated wins). He won two national championships and 12 ACC titles. His record against big conference teams since the formation of the BCS in 1998 was 22-14.

Joe Paterno's record was 409-136-3. He won two national championships and three Big 10 titles. He was 14-11 against big conference teams since the formation of the BCS in 1998.

George O'Leary is 81-66 at UCF. He has zero national championship (oh sorry cant forget that 2013 win at the Fiesta Bowl) and four conference titles (2 CUSA, 2 American). His record against against the big conference teams during his tenure is 7-23. While questionably worth staying at a program for 12 years because of its inept leadership that apparently spends money it doesnt have, he's hardly worth comparing. If thats the case if Bill Lewis decided to stay at ECU after an 11-1 record twenty plus years ago he should get the Paterno/Bowden treatment too.

....and btw none of those coaches had multiple zero win seasons on the field.
He didn't build this place. Hundreds of millions of dollars built this place. GOL be gone.

Maybe you overlooked the word perceived? That'll happen when you read what you want to read ;)

And I think ya'll are missing my ultimate point -- I've never been considered a big fan of O'leary. You don't have to be a big fan to be grateful and to recognize the situation we're in. None of this is binary.

He'll retire this year or next and the problem will solve itself. There won't be a big, public "you're fired" type of moment.
Maybe you overlooked the word perceived? That'll happen when you read what you want to read ;)

And I think ya'll are missing my ultimate point -- I've never been considered a big fan of O'leary. You don't have to be a big fan to be grateful and to recognize the situation we're in. None of this is binary.

He'll retire this year or next and the problem will solve itself. There won't be a big, public "you're fired" type of moment.

There needs to be a "You're Fired" moment.:sunglasses: We need to make UCF great again! We use to get victories, we don't win anymore.
There needs to be a "You're Fired" moment.:sunglasses: We need to make UCF great again! We use to get victories, we don't win anymore.
Before GOL. we always had those close losses to big conference teams. We thought maybe a successful coach with a big conference resume would help us get over the hump. Now we're stuck with a coach that can't beat FCS and lowly G5 teams...and were paying him almost 2 mil to do it.