Good Journalism


Silver Knight
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
We always argue media and bias and all that. So I thought I'd start a thread for GOOD political journalism. IMO, bias is OK.

I think Tim Alberta at Politico is A+. He's the kind of guy visiting sleepy towns and interviewing people in diners. He's one of those journalists that - IMO - both understands the threats many see in Trumpism AND understands why people support him. In a pre-Trump world, he was considered right-of-center based on where he worked. I remember some lefties being ticked off when he was selected as a moderator for democratic primary debate.

Here's an example of really good stuff IMO. Remember those 9 mail-in military ballots for Trump that were thrown in the trash can? This is a fantastic deep dive into that entire affair. All of his stuff is usually really good though.

What journalists do you guys think consistently deliver high quality, non partisan stuff?
Journalists are all the enemy of the people, I only trust the government to tell me the truth*

*unless they are journalists that align with my very specific conspiracy theory based beliefs. Then you can trust them
Saager Enjeti and Krystal Ball do a great job on Rising. Both present things with their political viewpoints but in a reasonable way, and have been very critical of legacy media coverage.
I appreciate the OP article even though I feel like the tone was one-sided against Trump. It was well-researched and presented information that most didn’t know. I just don’t agree with the offhand dismissal of factors that deserve weight. Nonetheless, the work deserves respect and he does have some good insights in there. It would do a lot of people good to read the entire article.
We always argue media and bias and all that. So I thought I'd start a thread for GOOD political journalism. IMO, bias is OK.

I think Tim Alberta at Politico is A+. He's the kind of guy visiting sleepy towns and interviewing people in diners. He's one of those journalists that - IMO - both understands the threats many see in Trumpism AND understands why people support him. In a pre-Trump world, he was considered right-of-center based on where he worked. I remember some lefties being ticked off when he was selected as a moderator for democratic primary debate.

Here's an example of really good stuff IMO. Remember those 9 mail-in military ballots for Trump that were thrown in the trash can? This is a fantastic deep dive into that entire affair. All of his stuff is usually really good though.

What journalists do you guys think consistently deliver high quality, non partisan stuff?
Maggie Haberman. New York Times