We always argue media and bias and all that. So I thought I'd start a thread for GOOD political journalism. IMO, bias is OK.
I think Tim Alberta at Politico is A+. He's the kind of guy visiting sleepy towns and interviewing people in diners. He's one of those journalists that - IMO - both understands the threats many see in Trumpism AND understands why people support him. In a pre-Trump world, he was considered right-of-center based on where he worked. I remember some lefties being ticked off when he was selected as a moderator for democratic primary debate.
Here's an example of really good stuff IMO. Remember those 9 mail-in military ballots for Trump that were thrown in the trash can? This is a fantastic deep dive into that entire affair. All of his stuff is usually really good though.
What journalists do you guys think consistently deliver high quality, non partisan stuff?
I think Tim Alberta at Politico is A+. He's the kind of guy visiting sleepy towns and interviewing people in diners. He's one of those journalists that - IMO - both understands the threats many see in Trumpism AND understands why people support him. In a pre-Trump world, he was considered right-of-center based on where he worked. I remember some lefties being ticked off when he was selected as a moderator for democratic primary debate.
Here's an example of really good stuff IMO. Remember those 9 mail-in military ballots for Trump that were thrown in the trash can? This is a fantastic deep dive into that entire affair. All of his stuff is usually really good though.

A Journey Into the Heart of America’s Voting Paranoia
The president’s campaign to discredit mail-in ballots has eroded trust in the electoral system. So why are so many people still voting?

What journalists do you guys think consistently deliver high quality, non partisan stuff?