Google Home > Alexa

Bob the Citronaut

GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
Aug 29, 2007
Just a PSA. I've played my with my parents Alexa and it was a whole lot of meh. I got a Pixel because my Chinese Nexus was a POS and it kept randomly dying at 70/50/30/20% battery life. The Pixel came with a free Google Home. It's pretty cool and sounds surprisingly good for something that looks like an air freshener. It does need Sirius though, that would make it 100%. If I ever disappear just call Google, they know everything about me now.
I was very close to getting a Google Home, but decided to get the Amazon Dot on Amazon day for just $35. I read countless reviews prior and it seemed like a dead heat, but the dot being so cheap won me over.......however, I would have gotten the Home if I had a free option.

I've liked my echo so far. I'm big into the home automation stuff so it synced with my existing system pretty seamlessly. Playing music wasn't a big importance to me, which is why I went with the Dot that has the crappier speaker.

I've read there is a honeymoon period for all of these devices, that will wear off in the coming months and you'll start to use them less and less. So we'll see if I still like it come 6 months.
Just a PSA. I've played my with my parents Alexa and it was a whole lot of meh. I got a Pixel because my Chinese Nexus was a POS and it kept randomly dying at 70/50/30/20% battery life. The Pixel came with a free Google Home. It's pretty cool and sounds surprisingly good for something that looks like an air freshener. It does need Sirius though, that would make it 100%. If I ever disappear just call Google, they know everything about me now.
They know about everyone everywhere. I heard a story that Google has figured out a way to understand your spending patterns OFFLINE. I'll have to dig it up for the details, but the point is we have 0 privacy.