On top of our putrid performance on the field, the sound system today was extra awful, cutting out several times during songs. The two most egregious were during the Varsity Spirit routine, where the song stopped about 5 seconds into their performanc, and then during Thundersruck. There were a few other times too. Maybe we can hire some former Twitter software engineers to figure this shit out, it’s embarrassing.
I also have to give my performance of the day award to those Varsity Spirit girls, who despite losing the music, went right on with their routine for a wh8e like nothing happened, but then had to cut their performance short without the music. Such a shame our sound system sucks.
I also have to give my performance of the day award to those Varsity Spirit girls, who despite losing the music, went right on with their routine for a wh8e like nothing happened, but then had to cut their performance short without the music. Such a shame our sound system sucks.