Had to laugh


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
In my county, last year our county prosecutor was found to be embezzling money from an elderly couple who had dementia. She was disbarred last week.

Well, now we have to vote for county prosecutor next week and the only person registered as a candidate is that same woman. So we have only one choice on who to elect, and that person lost their law license. There is no write-in candidate available that has offered up a candidacy. How the heck does this one turn out?
In what world is someone who is disbarred allowed to be a prosecutor? That is so bizarre I can't even believe it.
In my county, last year our county prosecutor was found to be embezzling money from an elderly couple who had dementia. She was disbarred last week.

Well, now we have to vote for county prosecutor next week and the only person registered as a candidate is that same woman. So we have only one choice on who to elect, and that person lost their law license. There is no write-in candidate available that has offered up a candidacy. How the heck does this one turn out?

Run against her. Ad campaign: I’ve never been disbarred