Has anyone ever outed a Chinese spy before?

Tell us you did this

Tell us their name

I want to kick them in the face
At the AIAA Space conference a few weeks there was an issue with Chinese nationals trying to get data. I want to say that some presentations were pulled and presenters asked to leave due to this. The conference does have special ITAR sessions but this was separate from those.
In my experience, people do what will cause them the least amount of pain. So they answer no to the post-foreign travel questions even if they met someone in a bar that asked a few too many questions or appeared to have been photographed by some stranger or a foreign national contact started down an uncomfortable line of questioning. That's part of what makes it hard to get people.

Domestically I think it's easier and harder. It's easier because you'll find the clumsy ones where they aren't supposed to be or with improper credentials. It's harder because it could be someone that you worked with for 20 years and would never suspect.
There are Chinese "data gatherers" at virtually every defense oriented conference in this country. I once caught a Chinese national trying to record my conversation in my booth with his iPhone and a specialty microphone. The DOJ had people there and arrested the guy.
Story time...

I went to graduate school at Pitt. My graduate program specialized in both international affair's degrees and a Master's of Public Administration. The American students were diversified, some of us got International Affairs, or economics degrees. The Chinese, well they all went straight for the MPA. Unfortunately, Pitt has gotten a reputation in China that it is an excellent place to come and get your MPA. Year after year, hundreds flock in to get an MPA degree and then they flee back to China to work for their government. An MPA degree from an American university is highly desired by the Communist government.

The fall semester of my second year, a few friends of mine were paid a visit by the FBI. The FBI was asking questions about an apparent Chinese student in my program. I wasn't surprised. He spoke English better than most of the others and was quite chummy with Americans. I don't know if anything ever happened with their investigation. I continued to see the student around, but we all kept our distance. But one thing that was made apparent to us was our graduate program was well known to the FBI. Apparently, there were easily a few Chinese spies in each and every graduating class.