Herman Cain tweets that coronvirus is less deadly than media says it month after he died from it

HC had real lung issues and was 75. No surprise he didn't survive it. He was in the group that should have been looking out for themselves. 70+ year olds have to decide how much they wish to live now, and weigh that against do they want to max out the chance of living a few to quite a few more years.
I would rather get and die of covid-19 than a long battle with cancer.
Awww shucks ducky now, everything is going to be fine, fine, fine!
Whopdee Doo... people can die of the flu after attending a concert from the flu if they are pushing 75.
Herman Cain was also fighting cancer since 2006
HC had real lung issues and was 75.
Given these brilliant excuses, I guess it's okay that Herman died. At least he flamed out DOING WHAT HE WANTED TO DO---going maskless squeezed next to a bunch of sweaty Chuds at a Trump rally in Tulsa. The Ultimate way to go, right?

AND his mighty Trumpster spirit lives on through his Twitter account!!!
Given these brilliant excuses, I guess it's okay that Herman died. At least he flamed out DOING WHAT HE WANTED TO DO---going maskless squeezed next to a bunch of sweaty Chuds at a Trump rally in Tulsa. The Ultimate way to go, right?

AND his mighty Trumpster spirit lives on through his Twitter account!!!
Wouldn't you rather go out doing what you want to do?
Given these brilliant excuses, I guess it's okay that Herman died. At least he flamed out DOING WHAT HE WANTED TO DO---going maskless squeezed next to a bunch of sweaty Chuds at a Trump rally in Tulsa. The Ultimate way to go, right?

AND his mighty Trumpster spirit lives on through his Twitter account!!!
And he couldn't even get a moment of silence at Trumpfest last week for his lifetime of dedication.
Herman took one for the team. Did you see those cucks Cocaine Mitch, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, or Ted Cruz there? Nope. Absolute vaginas, all of them