Anybody else watching this train wreck? WTFLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!
Maybe it's been so long since the original that I don't remember but it's almost like Tim Kring read a few X-Men comic books and said "I'm going to write a story arc based on the Mutant Registration Act but instead of sentinels, I'm going to use shitty Back to the Future looking Oakleys". And the acting, seriously? Chuck is struggling to play a badass, token Mexican dude that left his family for the military is token Mexican dude that left his family for the military and... it's just... I mean...
Seriously, it's so bad that I can't stop watching. It's like a B-Movie split in multiple parts just to fukc with me.
What say you?
Maybe it's been so long since the original that I don't remember but it's almost like Tim Kring read a few X-Men comic books and said "I'm going to write a story arc based on the Mutant Registration Act but instead of sentinels, I'm going to use shitty Back to the Future looking Oakleys". And the acting, seriously? Chuck is struggling to play a badass, token Mexican dude that left his family for the military is token Mexican dude that left his family for the military and... it's just... I mean...
Seriously, it's so bad that I can't stop watching. It's like a B-Movie split in multiple parts just to fukc with me.
What say you?