Hope the Oklahomigans are okay

Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:
Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
Hurricanes don't have anything on tornadoes. I'd never live out there.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
At least with hurricanes, we have time to either lock stuff down, or pack sh!t up and get out.
It's Hurricane with no "s" at the end. They blow as one.
Son in law had a pic on face book with a hail stone the size of golf ball in his hand.
Originally posted by Happy Hands:

Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:

Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
Hurricanes don't have anything on tornadoes. I'd never live out there.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
At least with hurricanes, we have time to either lock stuff down, or pack sh!t up and get out.
It's Hurricane with no "s" at the end. They blow as one.
Then I would have said "At least with a hurricane...."
Can I assume that most houses in this region come standard with a tornado bunker/shelter? Kind of like how most homes in Florida have a pool?

If I lived there, I would just turn my tornado bunker into a luxury living pad, in anticipation of my house eventually being blown away by a tornado.

I wonder if the wealthy people out there have a tunnel going from their basement to their tornado shelter?
Originally posted by UCFKnight85:
Can I assume that most houses in this region come standard with a tornado bunker/shelter? Kind of like how most homes in Florida have a pool?

If I lived there, I would just turn my tornado bunker into a luxury living pad, in anticipation of my house eventually being blown away by a tornado.

I wonder if the wealthy people out there have a tunnel going from their basement to their tornado shelter?
Isn't a basement a tornado shelter?
Varies. The newer, nicer homes will have an area under the garage usually with a big steel plate you pull over yourself and family to ride it out. This is true of homes on the western half of the state built after the big one in Moore in 98.

Older homes usually have a basement.

As you get out into the country and see cheaper homes being built and in the transition area between low income and suburbs, you'll find a lot of houses without either. Both are kind of options like leather seats in cars.

Those people know to go into a closet or the bathtub.

And yes, Floridians act like a bunch of wussies about hurricanes.
My house was built in 1919. It is in the nicer area of town. It has a basement. But nothing can really survive a F5 monster. If you take a direct hit from one of those then you gone no matter what shelter you might be in.

Tornado killed someone last night in a Tulsa suburb. We knew bad weather was forecast, but the problem is you never know exactly where a tornado will drop and wreak havoc. Of course, the OKC suburb of Moore was hit again last night but not nearly as bad as the tornados of 1999 and 2013. Those 2 bad boys had the highest recorded winds that have ever hit planet earth. Those 2 twisters were each over 2 miles wide, traveled over 20 miles at over 70 mph and had swirling winds of over 300 mph. They literally sucked up asphalt. Nothing was left for a 20 mile by 2 mile swath. Dozens died in each of those tornados. The ones last night were relatively minor.

Last year we hardly had any tornados. The almanac says we're in for a bumpy ride this year. Come on out for a visit.
Tornadoes are like hurricanes, earthquakes and blizzards. Every part of the country has their share of shitty weather and you learn how to deal with it to the point that it doesn't phase you.

Who here is evacuating for anything less than a Cat 4 heading straight for you?

Floridians in California for a 1.2 earthquake are running into the street screaming while Californians don't even miss a sip of coffee.
Originally posted by Game_Day_Sports:
Tornadoes are like hurricanes, earthquakes and blizzards. Every part of the country has their share of shitty weather and you learn how to deal with it to the point that it doesn't phase you.

Who here is evacuating for anything less than a Cat 4 heading straight for you?

Floridians in California for a 1.2 earthquake are running into the street screaming while Californians don't even miss a sip of coffee.
When I was in arizona there was a 2.5 like 60 miles away but i felt it. I was at the top of a hotel and it scared the living shit out of me.

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