How bad is your handwriting?


Bronze Knight
Dec 17, 2011
Seeing Dingy's chicken scratch made me wonder if all men (yes that's a generalization) have terrible handwriting. This also makes me wonder who has naturally great handwriting. For example, Dingy worked with an Ambassador whose cursive writing was so beautiful it looked like a calligraphy font. So I'm wondering what everyone's handwriting looks like on this board.

I'm including a sample of my own childish handwriting, printed and cursive. It used to look better but I don't think I ever fully recovered from the middle school bubble letters all girls started using.
Most men don't have great handwriting. The young now are not even taught cursive, so I am sure there hand writing will be even worse.
Most men don't have great handwriting. The young now are not even taught cursive, so I am sure there hand writing will be even worse.
I heard they brought teaching cursive back to schools after enough parents complained? Or maybe it's just some districts...
Someone told me mine looks like I'm writing with the wrong hand while a gorilla is shaking the table (must be the same person that Happy Hands talked to).

When I was in elementary school my Dad told my teacher he'd like her to work with me on my handwriting. She said it wasn't a concern because everyone would type everything once I was an adult.
Mine is pretty good. I had all the standard penmanship classes in grades 1-4. My mom heard that they teach penmanship different in France, so when I was in the sixth or seventh grade, they hired the daughter of our new next door neighbors from Paris to tutor me in penmanship when they moved in.
...when I was in the sixth or seventh grade, they hired the daughter of our new next door neighbors from Paris to tutor me in penmanship when they moved in.

This sounds like the beginning of one of barrister's stories.
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Mine is like a print/cursive hybrid. My dumb work still hasn't upgraded to electronic medical records so all of our documentation is still handwritten. I invest in a good pen with a very fine tip and do whatever is smallest and most efficient. I like it to be legible enough for me to read, but not legible enough for auditors to read.
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