How fun would this be


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
Let's say trump gets removed from office in February. Mike pence then comes out and says "i don't really want this job" and just resigns. Now we have President Pelosi. So what does the DNC do in their primaries? They've got a sitting president that took out the #1 opposition opponent. Does bernie, warren, biden, etc bow out and the party coalesces around president Pelosi or do they fight it out at the convention?
Let's say trump gets removed from office in February. Mike pence then comes out and says "i don't really want this job" and just resigns. Now we have President Pelosi. So what does the DNC do in their primaries? They've got a sitting president that took out the #1 opposition opponent. Does bernie, warren, biden, etc bow out and the party coalesces around president Pelosi or do they fight it out at the convention?

I don't think Pelosi wants to be president, so I don't think it would be an issue. She has been in politics for a long time and I never remember her really even talking about presidential aspirations.
never going to happen. trump 2020 is going to happen though
Of course it isnt, trump will be president until 2024 at least. I'm just asking what would the dems do if all of a sudden we had president Pelosi.

A much more likely scenario would be trump winning in 2020, and then around 2023 we have a nuclear attack on the US, at which time trump unleashes the full wrath of our military and becomes so popular that congress and the states immediately rescind the 2 term rule so that he can continue on as president.
How about this? Trump locks up you libtards and becomes king of America! #MAGA 2020-2120
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I don't think Pelosi wants to be president, so I don't think it would be an issue. She has been in politics for a long time and I never remember her really even talking about presidential aspirations.
You would be 100% wrong in that one. Every politician in Washington wants to be president,
You would be 100% wrong in that one. Every politician in Washington wants to be president,

She has been in Washington for over 30 years and has never even teased running for president, much less actually ran, so your opinion is baseless.