How many years are too many for a politician?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
at what point in a career politicians life are they no longer a representative of the people and become a product of the political power structure? Should there be term limits, not only for an individual position but for elected office in general?
at what point in a career politicians life are they no longer a representative of the people and become a product of the political power structure? Should there be term limits, not only for an individual position but for elected office in general?
Realistically, I think they should be able to serve no more than 8 years just like the POTUS.
8 years for everyone, unless your name is Donald J. Trump. He serves in perpetuity, or until the Big Macs lead to a coronary.
Depends. The representatives in the house should probably be citizens and not career politicians. The Senate, by nature of the original appointment by the state rather than popular election, was probably intended to be career government. Hence the assigned powers to each branch. The executive has no limits, but with the country being founded against a monarchy, I don’t think the intent was to ever have people working their way up the ruling chambers to the Presidency, basically being a ruling caste.