How would you define


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
A successful outcome on covid-19?

Number of infections?
Number of deaths?
Economic damage?
Cure/vaccine timeframe?
Etc, etc
Limited deaths. 50k or fewer.

Positioning for long term sustained economic recovery. Not just quick and intense stimulus.

Better planning for future pandemics. Put back in place all of what Obama was doing that Trump cut.

Accelerated vaccine development. Q4 2020.
A successful outcome on covid-19?
Sorry to be a spoil sport, Crazy. But this has to be one of The Stupidest Threads I've ever seen here or elsewhere.

This is equivalent to asking opinions on what would be a 'successful outcome' to Hurricane Katrina as it was about to hit land.
Limited deaths. 50k or fewer.

Positioning for long term sustained economic recovery. Not just quick and intense stimulus.

Better planning for future pandemics. Put back in place all of what Obama was doing that Trump cut.

Accelerated vaccine development. Q4 2020.

By "put back in place all of what Obama was doing", do you mean submitting budgets that called for millions of dollars cut from the CDC?

The Obama administration repeatedly sought to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), yearly budget requests show -- seemingly undercutting former Vice President Joe Biden's repeated attacks on the Trump White House for its pandemic preparedness.

Numerous Democrats, including Biden, have falsely claimed that Trump slashed the CDC budget, and Biden has suggested that he would never pursue similar cuts. The Associated Press has noted that those claims "distort" the facts, with pointing out that CDC funding has actually increased under the current administration, largely because Congress insisted on maintaining funding levels for both CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Nevertheless, speaking to ABC News' “This Week” on March 1, Biden claimed: “They’ve cut the funding for the CDC.” On Friday, Biden stepped up his attacks, writing on Twitter: "Donald Trump's careless, shortsighted actions left our nation ill-prepared and now Americans are paying the price."
Sorry to be a spoil sport, Crazy. But this has to be one of The Stupidest Threads I've ever seen here or elsewhere.

This is equivalent to asking opinions on what would be a 'successful outcome' to Hurricane Katrina as it was about to hit land.
At least FC could posit a response. Just take the question as being formed "at this point in time" as opposed to 2nd guessing decisions that have already been made. We have 5 threads that cover that topic already
By "put back in place all of what Obama was doing", do you mean submitting budgets that called for millions of dollars cut from the CDC?

The Obama administration repeatedly sought to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), yearly budget requests show -- seemingly undercutting former Vice President Joe Biden's repeated attacks on the Trump White House for its pandemic preparedness.

Numerous Democrats, including Biden, have falsely claimed that Trump slashed the CDC budget, and Biden has suggested that he would never pursue similar cuts. The Associated Press has noted that those claims "distort" the facts, with pointing out that CDC funding has actually increased under the current administration, largely because Congress insisted on maintaining funding levels for both CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Nevertheless, speaking to ABC News' “This Week” on March 1, Biden claimed: “They’ve cut the funding for the CDC.” On Friday, Biden stepped up his attacks, writing on Twitter: "Donald Trump's careless, shortsighted actions left our nation ill-prepared and now Americans are paying the price."

Educate yourself. Trump cut it, not because it was expensive (it was like .000007% of our budget) not because it was ineffective (it was praised by all disease experts) but he cut it just because Obama did it. It was one of Obama's big projects and Trump spent 2 years trying to undo all of Obama's projects if they were good ideas or bad it didn't matter. If Obama did it, Trump tried to undo it.

Obama officials briefed the new Trump administration on possibility of an outbreak and all the ways they could deal with it for over 2 hours before they left. They knew pandemic was a significant global and domestic threat.

Trump dismantled it out of spite and hatred for Obama and now we are looking at a best case scenario of 100,000 Americans dead.

When you hold all the power, at some point you are accountable for your results.

Educate yourself. Trump cut it, not because it was expensive (it was like .000007% of our budget) not because it was ineffective (it was praised by all disease experts) but he cut it just because Obama did it. It was one of Obama's big projects and Trump spent 2 years trying to undo all of Obama's projects if they were good ideas or bad it didn't matter. If Obama did it, Trump tried to undo it.

Obama officials briefed the new Trump administration on possibility of an outbreak and all the ways they could deal with it for over 2 hours before they left. They knew pandemic was a significant global and domestic threat.

Trump dismantled it out of spite and hatred for Obama and now we are looking at a best case scenario of 100,000 Americans dead.

When you hold all the power, at some point you are accountable for your results.

Ok just so we're clear, the Obama Admin was so sure of a pandemic and tried so hard to warn them of one, that 5 of their 8 budget submissions included millions of dollars cut from the CDC and preparedness response?

Obama had a pandemic in year 1 of his Presidency that killed thousands of people here. His response was to continue submitting budgets that cut millions from the CDC.

Please spare me this bullshit that Obama was the oracle of pandemic planning.
Please spare me this bullshit that Obama was the oracle of pandemic planning.
THIS from the guy spewing bullsh*t about how wonderful Trump has handled the pandemic. :rolleyes:

Thank God Americans didn't have to concern themselves with staying at home weeks ago because Trump and his administration had it all "under control," right 85?
Limited deaths. 50k or fewer.

Positioning for long term sustained economic recovery. Not just quick and intense stimulus.

Better planning for future pandemics. Put back in place all of what Obama was doing that Trump cut.

Accelerated vaccine development. Q4 2020.
Since this is the only on-topic response in this thread, let's go back to it. What do you mean regarding long-term economic recovery? Does that mean a limited number of small businesses going under?, using federal relief funds to stay above water and reopening?, etc. What does it look like for it to be a success?
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Since this is the only on-topic response in this thread, let's go back to it. What do you mean regarding long-term economic recovery? Does that mean a limited number of small businesses going under?, using federal relief funds to stay above water and reopening?, etc. What does it look like for it to be a success?
It looks like the recovery we saw after 2009. Years of growth, infrastructure projects, government spending. Controlled growth, not growth by slashing regulations or direct subsidies of existing industry. I don't think we need the Dow to recover to 29000 that was inflated as ****. We need wage growth this time.
No one took pandemics more seriously than Barack Obama. Thousands died in the H1N1 pandemic in his first year of his Presidency, and he responded by trying to cut millions from the CDC 5 years in a row.

That's someone who gets it!
No one took pandemics more seriously than Barack Obama. Thousands died in the H1N1 pandemic in his first year of his Presidency, and he responded by trying to cut millions from the CDC 5 years in a row.

That's someone who gets it!
He built the greatest international pandemic partnership the world had ever seen in the 8 years after h1n1 because he realized the risk. Trump killed it because of ODS. Now at least 100k Americans will die.
It looks like the recovery we saw after 2009. Years of growth, infrastructure projects, government spending. Controlled growth, not growth by slashing regulations or direct subsidies of existing industry. I don't think we need the Dow to recover to 29000 that was inflated as ****. We need wage growth this time.

Is this a serious response or a troll? You're pretty good at this so I honestly can't tell the difference anymore
Obama would have stopped this directly in Wuhan. He would have knocked that raw bat soup out of his mouth. Even without China helping. That amazing. ;)
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He built the greatest international pandemic partnership the world had ever seen in the 8 years after h1n1 because he realized the risk. Trump killed it because of ODS. Now at least 100k Americans will die.

Sure. That's why he wanted to cut millions from the CDC.
Sure. That's why he wanted to cut millions from the CDC.
Shouldn't a chud corona denier such as yourself just pipe down on this topic for the duration of the crisis especially on the day we pass 1000 single day deaths, the most of any country on a single day so far?
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Shouldn't a chud corona denier such as yourself just pipe down on this topic for the duration of the crisis especially on the day we pass 1000 single day deaths, the most of any country on a single day so far?

With liars like you and Shookster around? Lol
Nancy Pelosi was telling New Yorkers to get out and even party in Chinatown not that long ago. This was when Trump was a big racist for stopping travel from China. The country where the virus was coming from. Lol
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