How you check yourself to see if you are Right on a topic?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Feb 20, 2010
IMHO, the best way to see if you're Right aka absolutely correct, on a topic or as some say, on the right side of history, is to figure what ideology disagrees with you. If that ideology is universally considered wrong then you're right. If that ideology is universally considered right then you're wrong.

Socrates talked about having to be able to argue both sides of a coin to have a valid opinion. I'm taking that one step further into ethics and the modern day notion of the collective genius and modern epistemological understanding of correctness determined through peer review.

It's unfortunate that the majority people think they're right if their friends agree with them. Extrapolate that too if a whole period of time agreed with you but you were all wrong like in the case with slavery. How would you know that you and everyone you know is wrong? I say look at the ideology who disagrees with you.

I know I'm Right on politics. I don't need to win an election to prove that. All I need to do is figure out the ideologies who are counter to mine and determine if they are universally considered good or bad. There are two that counter my political ideology. Egalitarianism and Fascism.

Egalitarianism is the world view level philosophy that supports communism. Communism is bad.
Fascism is bad.
Those are the only two ideologies that give logical arguments against Libertarianism. Being a Libertarian is Right.