How's Your Blood Pressure?


Diamond Knight
Jan 26, 2004
Was sitting next to alumni at game this past Saturday and he says "I hope we have an easy one today. I'm not sure I can take all this stress." 2018 hasn't been that much different than 2017 and it's getting ready to get worse.

If your blood pressure isn't doing well these days, you may want to get your blood pressure medicine prescription renewed for the final run.

Current games left and projected: CINN, USF, Conference Championship and LSU at the Fiesta Bowl.
I feel ya man. Hopefully the range of emotions doesn't go in the other direction this weekend. This Cinci game is massive and the 6 day stretch following it could go 2 ways. Win and the big picture discussion on the system continues & UCF becomes the face of that or the other alternative is the biggest let down on our home field, all the attention disappears with doubt & a hangover buzzkill headed into the game in Tampa.
Why wouldn't they put LSU/Natty Champs in the Peach? Both schools are driving distance and the MB is 20 minutes from my house.
This season has been much better for me in terms of stress, weirdly. I've been trying to figure out why. Overall the worst I feel is a bit of frustration and dread (especially during Memphis and Temple.)

I think this is for a few reasons:
  • So many years of watching O'Leary ball - I'm no hardcore Xs and Os guy, but I feel like O'Leary would go in with a game plan and stubbornly stick to it no matter what was happening, so there would be a feeling that other teams would adjust and we would stay the same, leading to mounting anger as it felt like games were slipping away. Nowadays our team feels a lot more dynamic (see the defense in the 2nd half).
  • Feels like we've achieved so much recently in terms of more consistent P5 wins and a lot of national attention, that it will be less of a letdown to lose. I'm sure many would disagree, and it would suck to end this run, but being a fan of 20 years and seeing us choke game after game, it's nice to have consistent success despite coaching changes etc.
  • I'm older and have a wife and kid and UCF football has slightly slipped back in terms of "stuff I get worked up about"
When I think of 2013 JJ Worton immediately comes to mind. Best end to a game I can remember... and yes that includes the Hail Mary against ECU.
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This season has been much better for me in terms of stress, weirdly. I've been trying to figure out why. Overall the worst I feel is a bit of frustration and dread (especially during Memphis and Temple.)

I think this is for a few reasons:
  • So many years of watching O'Leary ball - I'm no hardcore Xs and Os guy, but I feel like O'Leary would go in with a game plan and stubbornly stick to it no matter what was happening, so there would be a feeling that other teams would adjust and we would stay the same, leading to mounting anger as it felt like games were slipping away. Nowadays our team feels a lot more dynamic (see the defense in the 2nd half).
  • Feels like we've achieved so much recently in terms of more consistent P5 wins and a lot of national attention, that it will be less of a letdown to lose. I'm sure many would disagree, and it would suck to end this run, but being a fan of 20 years and seeing us choke game after game, it's nice to have consistent success despite coaching changes etc.
  • I'm older and have a wife and kid and UCF football has slightly slipped back in terms of "stuff I get worked up about"
for me it's the streak and some big picture conversations UCF is causing if we keep winning that makes it more stressful. UCF with that 0 in L column has kept the conversation alive that has been ignored for way too long

wouldn't be the same if UCF lost 1 game last season but still won the conference & say lost to Pitt this season but was undefeated in conference.
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A lot to worry about but nothing we can do about it. We're going to lose one day, and on that day there will be a resounding "told you so". It will be loud enough to vibrate Susan's windows.
A lot to worry about but nothing we can do about it. We're going to lose one day, and on that day there will be a resounding "told you so". It will be loud enough to vibrate Susan's windows.

Hmmmm.....I wonder if Susan and the Nipple have some sort of relationship.