I officially announce my intent to run for POTUS

"To hell with the for the best!"

I'm 37, middle-class, from an uber-diverse family which others can substantiate. I have viewpoints on many sides of the fence, I'm therefore MULTI-partisan, not just bi-partisan. I would be the only person that is technically Native AMERICAN (~50%) which can be substantiated via DNA tests as recent as 2013. I am lucky given my upbringing but cognizant of issues dealing with the economy. I will put my community service hours against any others. I have not served in military but come from a military family that has had prominent combat roles in the Revolutionary War (both sides) and as recent as Vietnam and Persian Gulf. I work for a DOD contractor, never commited any crimes or arrested, I love football, have pride in integrity and never cheated on a woman (since college), have a great group of diverse friends and believe in a society where everyone gets along, but not everyone has to agree...true tolerance means free diversity. I support local music, local art, local sports, local it only makes sense that I also support local government over a nationalist/centrist government. The feds are too strong...

I think there should be a physical fitness test for those that become president. Need to prove you won't have a heart attack while under stress.

So...that's me. Jason Banning. Your cross-section of Americana.

PS: my last name means "To Boycott". Perfect.
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And yet, here you are running for the highest, most powerful spot in a nationalist/centrist government, never have held office at the local level you give so much credence to.

Gotta start somewhere...why not work backwards. I think a person with presidential experience would rock at state or local government. I reject your arbitrary requirements. I've held local offices in my high school before...they are not much different in difficulty.

Oh! I don't hide behind my screen-name so I'm no weasel. Enough interviews today. Must get back to my service to society...working.
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Will this mean that Gorgoroth will play at your swearing in ceremony?

No, I was thinking of something more Inclusive, like the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Sepultura or Animals as Leaders. Gorgoroth may piss off the Christians too much,...considering the lead singer, Gaahl, raped and tortured another man for 4 days or some crap. I need the moderate vote.
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No, I was thinking of something more Inclusive, like the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Sepultura or Animals as Leaders. Gorgoroth may piss off the Christians too much,...considering the lead singer, Gaahl, raped and tortured another man for 4 days or some crap. I need the moderate vote.
Animals As Leaders, Polyphia & Chimp Spanner.
You wrote your real name. How will you ever get that big contract making music now?