If the Wonder Years premiered tonight...


Golden Knight
Feb 14, 2011
The Wonder Years aired from 1988–1993 and covered the years 1968–1973. If it were made today, it would cover the years 1996–2001. Instead of episodes about the moon landing, The Beatles, and the Civil Rights Movement, they’d be about the Bush-Gore election, Britney Spears, and the September 11th attacks. The characters in a Wonder Years made today would be watching Friends (’94 – ’04), South Park (’97 – present), Family Guy (1999 – present), and the first season of 24 (2001 – 2010).

From this blog, lots of other things in the post to make you feel old today.
It's probably my age. Wonder years aired while I was in Middle and HS and seemed like it was about a period a long time ago (at the time). So the comparisons give me a drastically different perspective. If you were alive for the events in the wonder years, this probably isn't a huge revelation to you. In 20 years when someone does something like this for the Goldbergs, I'll react the same way you are I guess.
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"I don't just like you, I like you like you. And exctasy. I like like exctasy. Nice JNCO jeans. Now let's go eat mushrooms and watch the remake of Flipper."
The Wonder Years aired from 1988–1993 and covered the years 1968–1973. If it were made today, it would cover the years 1996–2001. Instead of episodes about the moon landing, The Beatles, and the Civil Rights Movement, they’d be about the Bush-Gore election, Britney Spears, and the September 11th attacks. The characters in a Wonder Years made today would be watching Friends (’94 – ’04), South Park (’97 – present), Family Guy (1999 – present), and the first season of 24 (2001 – 2010).

From this blog, lots of other things in the post to make you feel old today.

But they would also be using AOL chat rooms and IRCs, arguing over someone needing to make a call while someone else was on AOL, discovering cell phones that weren't bricks, Columbine, Lewisnky and her dress, OJ, Seinfeld, the timelessness of Coolio, the breakup of A Tribe Called Quest, the waterbra.
It's probably my age. Wonder years aired while I was in Middle and HS and seemed like it was about a period a long time ago (at the time). So the comparisons give me a drastically different perspective. If you were alive for the events in the wonder years, this probably isn't a huge revelation to you. In 20 years when someone does something like this for the Goldbergs, I'll react the same way you are I guess.
I'm a smidge older as WY aired when I was in HS and college. But yeah, I felt it was about an eon ago when it aired. But it wasn't a show for a younger audience. It was really a nostalgia piece for the baby boomers, who largely loved that show, and fit in a rather tumultuous period in our country's history. I don't think a WY about '96-'01 would be anywhere near as successful because the period was rather benign (although ABC does have a show on now called Fresh Off the Boat about an oriental family living in Orlando in 1995 which is pretty damn funny).
It's probably my age. Wonder years aired while I was in Middle and HS and seemed like it was about a period a long time ago (at the time). So the comparisons give me a drastically different perspective. If you were alive for the events in the wonder years, this probably isn't a huge revelation to you. In 20 years when someone does something like this for the Goldbergs, I'll react the same way you are I guess.

Loved the wonder years. I graduated in 1974 so it was me thru my teens. The music was great, the war sucked, My Democratic parents supported Nixon right to the end.
But they would also be using AOL chat rooms and IRCs, arguing over someone needing to make a call while someone else was on AOL, discovering cell phones that weren't bricks, Columbine, Lewisnky and her dress, OJ, Seinfeld, the timelessness of Coolio, the breakup of A Tribe Called Quest, the waterbra.
You know all y'all would be watching the episode in which Winnie Cooper buys her first waterbra.

It's obviously time for a reunion.

Winnie Cooper from a few years ago:




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