Immigration. Let's open the boarder like it's was before

The country needed cheap unskilled labor back then. We're not a manufacturing country anymore. We don't need mass amounts of low wage workers. We need educated immigrants.
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The country needed cheap unskilled labor back then. We're not a manufacturing country anymore. We don't need mass amounts of low wage workers. We need educated immigrants.

Who are you to tell me what type of employees my business needs? Explain that one to me, fascist.
If we open the borders half of South America would flood into the US. The overall quality of life in the US would become third world within a year. I fully understand that most "Americans" prefer a Latino nation over a White nation, but what I can't understand is why eliminating Whites is more important that a sustainable population.
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If we open the borders half of South America would flood into the US. The overall quality of life in the US would become third world within a year. I fully understand that most "Americans" prefer a Latino nation over a White nation, but what I can't understand is why eliminating Whites is more important that a sustainable population.
Quoted for posterity.
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If we open the borders half of South America would flood into the US. The overall quality of life in the US would become third world within a year. I fully understand that most "Americans" prefer a Latino nation over a White nation, but what I can't understand is why eliminating Whites is more important that a sustainable population.


You might be a racist if you post shit like that.

It's obvious that you didn't watch the video. It's dispels all of that BS that you said.
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These particular immigrants could never truly help our country, because they will never really be a part of our country. They are here purely for economic reasons.
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These particular immigrants could never truly help our country, because they will never really be a part of our country. They are here purely for economic reasons.

You didn't watch the video of economist talking about that. Bc you're completely wrong.
You are correct about watching the video. I couldn't even last thru the self absorbed pompous introductions. Bottom line is we don't need drug runners, gang members, Gun runners, rapist, and the under skilled workers of Mexico. I am all for more immigration of trained people we need, Temp work visas for farm workers that we do need, seasonally.

I am not for sticking our elitist liberal heads so far up our butt, That we think the squishy soft brown things around us are sunshine clouds.
You are correct about watching the video. I couldn't even last thru the self absorbed pompous introductions. Bottom line is we don't need drug runners, gang members, Gun runners, rapist, and the under skilled workers of Mexico. I am all for more immigration of trained people we need, Temp work visas for farm workers that we do need, seasonally.

I am not for sticking our elitist liberal heads so far up our butt, That we think the squishy soft brown things around us are sunshine clouds.
Just so you know, elitists wouldn't be in favor of flooding the country with unskilled labor.

Also #thingsdonaldtrumpsays
Just so you know, elitists wouldn't be in favor of flooding the country with unskilled labor.

The inside Washington elites want exactly that. Both Republicans and Dems. Dems want the voters, and to keep Unions and Huge corps happy, and Republicans want to keep their business people happy. The rich win and the middle and lower middle class loses. As for the Donald, I don't care what he says, he has been part of the problem. He is one of the crony capitalist who caused the mess we have.

I don't care where illegals come from, nor their color, send them home. If they come from England and overstay their visa, kick them out.
As the saying goes, you lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.

People are ignorant but they won't even listen to experts.
The first guy is a babbling idiot. Professor or not. I am all for more immigration, including from Mexico. But it has to be organized with oversight. You open all borders and there is no slowing of terrorist coming in, no good way to track suspected people. There is immigration, and invasion, all coast have the first, and that is good. An invasion is taking place at the southern border, and that is not good.

The 2nd speaker is much more reasonable than the first one.
The 3rd speaker, says we should have to prove why someone can not come. Wrong. We as US citizens have legal US rights, People who are not citizens do not have those same rights.
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The 2nd speaker at the end also made a couple of good points. first early one we were pretty empty as a country, we basically needed bodies to settle the land, and to be honest push back the Indians. The 2nd part is now frowned on, but was a fact at the time. 2nd It was hard to get here, You couldn't just hop o a plane for a few bucks and fly over in a few hours. You had to hop a ship spend a lot of cash, and endure a long trip. That naturally limited how many could immigrate.
The first guy is a babbling idiot. Professor or not. I am all for more immigration, including from Mexico. But it has to be organized with oversight. You open all borders and there is no slowing of terrorist coming in, no good way to track suspected people. There is immigration, and invasion, all coast have the first, and that is good. An invasion is taking place at the southern border, and that is not good.

The 2nd speaker is much more reasonable than the first one.
The 3rd speaker, says we should have to prove why someone can not come. Wrong. We as US citizens have legal US rights, People who are not citizens do not have those same rights.

Glad you took the time to watch it.

I can understand people fear that the country will be taken over by immigrants. I don't think it's rational but I understand that fear. The whole reason for a limited government and a constitution is not allow a tyranny of any group over the rest of the citizens. Now I get we can't expect immigrates to respect those limits just as our current citizens don't respect those limits. One thing to keep in mind is that open boarders doesn't have to mean open citizenship. There is nothing in the constitution about immigration but there is something about naturalizing citizens. That's a huge difference and for me eliminates as fear of immigrates taking over.

Posted wireless.
yeah that is 45 minutes of my life I will never get back. Sorry but I can't agree with them on the borders. Islamic extremist, Gun and Drug dealers will have a field day, and any good that comes from the everyday guy wanting to work will be far out weighed by the damage the rest do.
yeah that is 45 minutes of my life I will never get back. Sorry but I can't agree with them on the borders. Islamic extremist, Gun and Drug dealers will have a field day, and any good that comes from the everyday guy wanting to work will be far out weighed by the damage the rest do.

Immigration isn't anarchy. Lol