In addition to building a Scott Frost statue, let's build one of Don Jonas and Gene McDowell


Bronze Knight
Oct 17, 2017
It can become a new tradition. The team walks to Spectrum Stadium through the Memory Mall and enters through the "Hall of Legends" that contains statues of GOL, Scott Frost, Don Jonas, Coach Gene, Daunte Culpepper, Blake Bortles, Kirk Speraw, and Torchy Clark (with room for more).

Without McDowell, UCF may have shut down the football program.

The program was a million dollars in debt in the mid-80's and he served as coach and AD and slowly, but surely, had the debt retired. He had a plan and stuck with it - all while producing some damn good players. (How Darren Hinshaw never got a honest look in the NFL is a crime. He was right up there with Steve Walsh and Kerwin Bell in those days.) Took the job on consignment. The school has GOT to do more to honor both of these great men while they are still here.
An artist rendering of memory mall:
I'd love something more than a scholarship for Gene and a statue would be great. I'd be more against a Frost statue than those on here are against the statue we already have. For me, how he left, his gutting etc. etc. was not even close to being overshadowed by the Peach Bowl. Just for 1 example-- had he stayed, I'd think another undefeated season would be almost guaranteed, that and maybe an actual playoff birth. We could still do it, but it would have been much smoother.

You want a damn statue for this year, there's only 1 person it could be. I introduce you to the heart of UCF.

Frost's blather was blather, Everything this guy said was TRUTH!

Agree on Gene. I do think he was shortsighted when it came to conference affiliation. Joining CUSA when it was forming should have been priority #1 but that is hindsight. If Frost had stayed one more year I would consider it, but I think that the situation was a unique one when he got here that was as much UCF as it was Scott Frost. I will be very surprised if he is able to duplicate the success at Nebraska. They will improve, but the meteoric rise will not happen twice IMHO
With Gene we can whitewash his flaws by saying he cared for his players connecting with family and friends
Frost statue? Not only did he leave early & take our entire staff, but many of the players were O'Leary's. That disqualifies him in my opinion.

What we really need is a Danny White statue.
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Frost statue? Not only did he leave early & take our entire staff, but many of the players were O'Leary's. That disqualifies him in my opinion.

What we really need is a Danny White statue.
Ultimately if he stays a few more years, Danny White absolutely deserves a statue. Especially if the Heupel hire works out and the Dawkins hire eventually gets us an NCAA tournament bid.

Frost turned around a program and had one amazing season, but his tenure was too short.
Gutting the staff and taking 1-2 recruits didn’t help

Will Frost see the same turnaround at Nebraska?? Certainly not as quickly and it remains to be seen if he can win his own division of the Big-10 let alone their CCG.

If Nebraska doesn’t win the CCG, they are basically a Wisconsin this year at best which isn’t bad.

If he can’t get beyond Wisconsin and Iowa, he’s a 3-4 loss failure.