ISIS Deploys Chemical Weapons


Diamond Knight
Gold Member
Jun 23, 2001
They're using mustard, chlorine, and sarin against the Kurds. The most pertinent question is what is the U.S. going to do about it. But the interesting question is where ISIS got the weapons. Did they come from Saddams stockpile that intel had moving to Syria but the left swears didn't exist? Did they come from Assad's stockpile that was supposedly destroyed? Or is there an alliance there from some benefactor using ISIS to do its dirty work?
Sadam was innocent. Bush lied, now it is ISIS being lied about, probably because a new Bush is in the weeds.
And this idiots on the left want to give Iran billions more so their proxy armies can buy weapons from Russia. If it weren't so f'ing stupid you would not believe it.
They're using mustard, chlorine, and sarin against the Kurds. The most pertinent question is what is the U.S. going to do about it. But the interesting question is where ISIS got the weapons. Did they come from Saddams stockpile that intel had moving to Syria but the left swears didn't exist? Did they come from Assad's stockpile that was supposedly destroyed? Or is there an alliance there from some benefactor using ISIS to do its dirty work?

Link to article?
ISIS magically came out of nothing. Had nothing to do w us fukcing around over there. LET'S GET EM THIS TIME ITS DIFFERENT!
ISIS magically came out of nothing. Had nothing to do w us fukcing around over there. LET'S GET EM THIS TIME ITS DIFFERENT!

It came out of the vacuum created by the Syrian civil war.

But f*ck it- it's America's fault!
I'm not a chemist (in fact my lowest grade at UCF), but do they really need to "get" these weapons from someone? I mean can't you make mustard gas from chemicals that are common place? Can't you make chlorine gas by distilling/concentrating bleach?
I'm not a chemist (in fact my lowest grade at UCF), but do they really need to "get" these weapons from someone? I mean can't you make mustard gas from chemicals that are common place? Can't you make chlorine gas by distilling/concentrating bleach?

Weaponizing mustard and sarin is more difficult. Not impossible but it takes a level of sophistication. Weaponizing chlorine is much easier, and the Syrians are still doing it, but chlorine does not have the same devastating impact on humans that the other chemicals and nerve agents do.
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Chlorine (a choking agent) in industrial concentrations is widely available. In a country like Iraq, the manufacturing and transport of chlorine wouldn't be that secure either, especially after we pulled out, so I suppose its possible that they could have just stolen or purchased that agent. They are putting it into canisters, strapping bombs them, and then detonating those canisters. Most of the fatalities from this delivery system and agent would be from the explosive effects rather than the chemical agent. However, chlorine is certainly fatal in high enough concentrations as was proven in WW I where it killed hundreds of soldiers. For military forces, it's easy to detect (it has color and odor) and protect against (Gas mask or even a wet towel) so any MOPP ready force can handle it. I don't know how evolved the Peshmerga CBRN defense capability is though. I'm guessing not very given the pictures that are out there.

Mustard (blistering agent) is fairly easy to produce given that you have knowledge, equipment, and opportunity to do so. The effects are really nasty, though, and so cooking it up in a kitchen normally lead to very observable effects. Many nations that didn't sign the CWC produce Mustard gas, hence the Syria connection here. Most of the pictures out there that I've seen show the effects of Mustard agent contact.

Sarin is a whole different animal. The components for it are dangerous to handle and it takes dedicated facilities to produce. Storing it, transporting it, loading it, all of that is extremely dangerous. As far as I know, there's only one non-nation group that has been verified to have produced it. If ISIS is able to produce it in a quantity that they can employ it to effect, they have certainly graduated beyond the JV.