Its YOUR responsibility to hand out allergen-free treats

ffs. If I handed out candy I'd only give out candy full of peanuts and other nuts. It's called evolution, people with allergies shouldn't survive childhood.
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Someone posted about not having peanut candy on our community Facebook page, if I was in town for this Halloween I'd be handing out nothing but Snickers.
Seriously, this is what I would do as well. I would load up on peanut candies to hand out.
Someone posted about not having peanut candy on our community Facebook page, if I was in town for this Halloween I'd be handing out nothing but Snickers.

Not to sidetrack but I lasted about a day and a half on our community facebook page. Everybody just whining and complaining about something.
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Not to sidetrack but I lasted about a day and a half on our community facebook page. Everybody just whining and complaining about something.
Yes, the community Facebook page is ridiculous. I generally ignore it, but sometimes I see something that just infuriates me.
I'm sure some will follow this and hand out carrot sticks and lemon drops. Your kids will likely be understandably upset. As the parent you need to be the guiding influence and use this as a teachable moment. Like showing them a new use for an egg.
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My nephew has a nut allergy which means, with no exaggeration, that he can die if he simply inhales contaminants from nuts and the Epipen fails. It's an awful, shitty allergy to have and it's compounded by the legions of ignorant shitheads that exist in this country.

That said, this sign is dumb. My sister's family simply lets him go with the kids, collect candy, then it gets donated to the neighbors. My nephew and niece then eat Divies which is 100% allergy free cookies/candy that actually tastes better than any of the mass produced crap being given out. Problem solved.

However, the fact remains that for every one of these signs, there are 100,000 ignorant dipshitted assholes who refuse to do ANYTHING to accommodate someone you, you know, could die from an allergy. My nephew has never flown simply because I've personally witnessed fuc*ktards refuse to not take peanuts in a 5 seat radius to allow a kid with allergies to fly. God forbid this fat waste of human life not get his bagged peanuts on that 2 hour flight!!

I've seen this so many times. It makes me wish for a mass extinction to reset everything and repopulate with more intelligent beings.
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Lighten up Fraces, I'm sure most people on your flight have no idea. On top of that
My nephew has a nut allergy which means, with no exaggeration, that he can die if he simply inhales contaminants from nuts and the Epipen fails. It's an awful, shitty allergy to have and it's compounded by the legions of ignorant shitheads that exist in this country.

That said, this sign is dumb. My sister's family simply lets him go with the kids, collect candy, then it gets donated to the neighbors. My nephew and niece then eat Divies which is 100% allergy free cookies/candy that actually tastes better than any of the mass produced crap being given out. Problem solved.

However, the fact remains that for every one of these signs, there are 100,000 ignorant dipshitted assholes who refuse to do ANYTHING to accommodate someone you, you know, could die from an allergy. My nephew has never flown simply because I've personally witnessed fuc*ktards refuse to not take peanuts in a 5 seat radius to allow a kid with allergies to fly. God forbid this fat waste of human life not get his bagged peanuts on that 2 hour flight!!

I've seen this so many times. It makes me wish for a mass extinction to reset everything and repopulate with more intelligent beings.
My nephew has a nut allergy which means, with no exaggeration, that he can die if he simply inhales contaminants from nuts and the Epipen fails. It's an awful, shitty allergy to have and it's compounded by the legions of ignorant shitheads that exist in this country.

That said, this sign is dumb. My sister's family simply lets him go with the kids, collect candy, then it gets donated to the neighbors. My nephew and niece then eat Divies which is 100% allergy free cookies/candy that actually tastes better than any of the mass produced crap being given out. Problem solved.

However, the fact remains that for every one of these signs, there are 100,000 ignorant dipshitted assholes who refuse to do ANYTHING to accommodate someone you, you know, could die from an allergy. My nephew has never flown simply because I've personally witnessed fuc*ktards refuse to not take peanuts in a 5 seat radius to allow a kid with allergies to fly. God forbid this fat waste of human life not get his bagged peanuts on that 2 hour flight!!

I've seen this so many times. It makes me wish for a mass extinction to reset everything and repopulate with more intelligent beings.
I'm confused, you do t get the peanut option until you're in the air, would said person already be on the flight?
My sister is deadly allergic to eggs, the same way 85's nephew is to peanuts, I get allergies. That being said she never, ever, ever, expects anyone to cater to her needs, she just politely declines and doesn't make a big deal out of it, that's how you are supposed to work it.
My sister is deadly allergic to eggs, the same way 85's nephew is to peanuts, I get allergies. That being said she never, ever, ever, expects anyone to cater to her needs, she just politely declines and doesn't make a big deal out of it, that's how you are supposed to work it.
I get it, no one wants their child to feel left out and we all defend our children. My youngest as asburgers and while he is incredibly smart, he has trouble socially. I do t expect other parents to force their kids to understand mine but I also would like to see those same parent who know of his situation try to explain to their children about it. While this would be good, it's not their responsibility to do so.

What bothers me about the sign is the person is calling those that don't do what she asked bad parents basically.
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My nephew has a nut allergy which means, with no exaggeration, that he can die if he simply inhales contaminants from nuts and the Epipen fails. It's an awful, shitty allergy to have and it's compounded by the legions of ignorant shitheads that exist in this country.

That said, this sign is dumb. My sister's family simply lets him go with the kids, collect candy, then it gets donated to the neighbors. My nephew and niece then eat Divies which is 100% allergy free cookies/candy that actually tastes better than any of the mass produced crap being given out. Problem solved.

However, the fact remains that for every one of these signs, there are 100,000 ignorant dipshitted assholes who refuse to do ANYTHING to accommodate someone you, you know, could die from an allergy. My nephew has never flown simply because I've personally witnessed fuc*ktards refuse to not take peanuts in a 5 seat radius to allow a kid with allergies to fly. God forbid this fat waste of human life not get his bagged peanuts on that 2 hour flight!!

I've seen this so many times. It makes me wish for a mass extinction to reset everything and repopulate with more intelligent beings.
You're such a whiney little liberal.
My grandson has a corn allergy are the supposed to look at label for corn syrup as well.
TLDR: 1) personal responsibility and advanced planning; 2) easy to accommodate w/o screwing everyone else w/ advanced planning; 3) Don't f@ck with Halloween, it will make kids sad.

Jerks that eat peanuts on the airplane?
1) I fly quite a bit (albeit on the carriers for the unwashed masses) and I can't remember the last time I have seen a peanut served by the airline. Still, that doesn't stop people from buying stuff after security and bringing it onboard.
2) if my kid had that condition and flying was my only transportation option:
3) also, I would call the airline well ahead of time and let them know the situation. I imagine that they could replace peanuts with another option so the other passengers can enjoy that precious airline snack w/ their can of V8

I mentioned the crazy parent notice to the community to my wife and she reminded me that she always gets a nut-free option on Halloween and mixes it in with the other stuff (we let the kiddies pick what they want). She even keeps a bowl in reserve in the event of a kid specifically asking if we have anything else because they aren't allowed to even potentially touch the wrapper of a candy bar. She does this because we know that there are kids in the neighborhood that go to my kids school that sit at the no nut table. It turns out that it isn't that hard to accommodate and not f@ck it up for everyone else. As we were talking about this, we agreed that we would just skip Halloween altogether if we had to adhere to that bat sh!t crazy list.

Of course my 7 y/o caught the part about skipping Halloween and became upset. Damage control mode worked out but she wanted to know why we would even think of such a bad idea. I asked her if she knew why there was a nut-free table at school. "so my friends don't get sick and die." confident that I had established some common ground of understanding, I asked her if those kids get left out on the playground after lunch "sometimes ____ does because he can be kind of mean." What would you think of getting only Carrots and raisins when you go trick-or-treating because of the kids at the no nut table? " I don't like raisins anymore and I eat carrots all the time, that would make Halloween no fun and make me sad."
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Lighten up Fraces, I'm sure most people on your flight have no idea. On top of that

I'm confused, you do t get the peanut option until you're in the air, would said person already be on the flight?

Yea, it doesn't at all work like this.

Traveling with a nut allergy flier means they call ahead to the airline to ask them to assist the flier in any way possible that they can. This means that people get on, take their seats, and a flight attendant informs people, usually in a 5 seat radius, that there's someone who is deathly allergic to nuts and asks them to refrain from eating nut based products. If they don't want to adhere to this, they gladly will move them to another seat and swap with someone who can refrain from stuffing their face with nuts for a few hours.

In the case(s) I've seen, a dickhead says nothing when briefed before the flight then wips out something that contains nuts IN flight. I once saw a guy do this with the nut allergy traveler sitting NEXT to him.

Like I said, people are ignorant assholes.
My sister is deadly allergic to eggs, the same way 85's nephew is to peanuts, I get allergies. That being said she never, ever, ever, expects anyone to cater to her needs, she just politely declines and doesn't make a big deal out of it, that's how you are supposed to work it.

Yes, that's fine. My nephew does the same.

That said, it shouldn't be asking too much of people to make the smallest of sacrifices to help accommodate someone in specific situations, so that this person doesn't have to worry about petty things such as having a fatal allergic reaction. You can decline foods; you can't decline particles you can't see floating through the air in confined spaces.
Bob (or woot, I don't remember)
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I'd say 3 of every 10 flights I have on Delta will not serve peanuts and they'll make the announcement as they begin cabin service. For the life of me, I don't understand why they don't post a sign at the gate or as you board the plane to alert you so you don't open anything you brought on board.

Yesterday, my wife brought in cake to my daughter's lunch for her birthday. The school had to read all of the ingredients before they let it come into the cafeteria & then one of the little shits said since he had a gluten intolerance, she had to go out to the store and buy him a specific type of ice cream so he wasn't slighted. When she said no, he then insisted she let him have the cake anyhow & he'd be fine. F'n helicopter moms filling 2nd graders' minds with stupid fake disease. Show a Celiac Disease card or GTFO. Gluten intolerance is what the anti-vaxxers have shifted to
Most of these nut allergies come from parents not exposing their kids to nuts because they're afraid the kid will be allergic.