Jeb Bush to endorse Ted Cruz


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Another GOP Establishment to endorse Ted Cruz later today.

As expected, Ted Cruz easily won Utah while Trump easily won Arizona last night.
Who the hell cares who endorses who. Are people really that weak minded that they look to other people for voting advice.
Another GOP Establishment to endorse Ted Cruz later today.

As expected, Ted Cruz easily won Utah while Trump easily won Arizona last night.

Who did you expect him to endorse? If you expected him to endorse Trump, you're crazy. There was no love lost between those guys.
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Who the hell cares who endorses who. Are people really that weak minded that they look to other people for voting advice.

Sadly, for some, it happens in every election.

I think for Cruz...he is hoping many of the established deep pocket donors that Bush had (which never helped in the end) will start to come his way.
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maybe the Republican Party wouldn't be in this mess if Jeb! didn't spend so much $ & time steering his PAC attacks at Rubio instead of Drumpf during the first 3 States
Psh there was & is no amount of money that will stump Trump. Just remember he's making America great again for you too.
I'm starting to think Coke is actually cocaine and not the soft drink.

Yeah, I don't know. I halfway wonder if Coke is going to come out with some troll the day after Hillary beats Drumpf's ass in an epic landslide because it would take an absolute idiot not to see that Donald is basically a male version of Sarah Palin. They both are of average intelligence, say stupid shit, and I'm convinced if you put Dump in front of a map, he couldn't point out most of the major countries on the face of the earth.

Then again, Coke is a 9/11 truther so anything is possible.
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