Jemele Hill attacks Robert Kraft for being 'friends' with Trump as the Patriots' plane delivers mask


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Jun 6, 2015
Another example of someone who rather have American’s die than praise or support Trump

In this case it’s not even Trump. It’s the guy who voted for, supports and is friendly with Trump.

Cubs?? Shookster??
People after him for this are just TDS stupid. He spent 2 mil of his own money, had to jump through tons of legal hoops to do a good thing for Massachusetts, then gets criticized.

He did a job the State couldn't do, for free. and lives may be saved because of it.
You know TDS is strong when you're critical over someone spending millions to give away medical equipment. I heard that the gun manufacturer Remington offered to use 75% of their plant to make medical equipment. Cuomo wouldn't respond to the company.

This is a lot of liberals in a nut shell.
CNN and MSNBC ignore things that don't fit their anti-Trump narrative and it's Fox News that's crazy for covering a leading sports commentator attacking the owner of the flagship franchise in American sports?
A leading sports commentator???!? Ooooooooooookay. :)
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A leading sports commentator???!? Ooooooooooookay. :)
She had a regular show on ESPN and has made national news for a number of her takes. She made it through a bunch of layoffs when others didn’t. So, yes, she is a leading sports commentator.
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She was a local reporter in Orlando and got a high paying gig at ESPN. Everything turned into some woke commentary for her on ESPN.

I really disliked her articles for the Sentinel and the appearances on local radio mainly because she displayed an obvious hatred for UCF and O'Leary in particular. Supposedly a sports reporter but was unabashedly biased in her negative reporting and had a penchant for being controversial.

She left Central Florida for a big payday at ESPN which at the time seemed to be embracing the idea of mixing sports with provocative commentary. However, the continued ratings slide along with her constant Jerry Jones bashing and personal agendas seemed to be getting her the wrong kind of attention from ESPN executives. After one too many anti Trump tweets, Hill was suspended and then ultimately fired in 2017.

No matter which side you take, most Americans just want to enjoy sports & sports reporting without a whole lot of political and racial wet blankets being tossed.
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I really disliked her articles for the Sentinel and the appearances on local radio mainly because she displayed an obvious hatred for UCF and O'Leary in particular. Supposedly a sports reporter but was unabashedly biased in her negative reporting and had a penchant for being controversial.

She left Central Florida for a big payday at ESPN which at the time seemed to be embracing the idea of mixing sports with provocative commentary. However, the continued ratings slide along with her constant Jerry Jones bashing and personal agendas seemed to be getting her the wrong kind of attention from ESPN executives. After one too many anti Trump tweets, Hill was suspended and then ultimately fired in 2017.

No matter which side you take, most Americans just want to enjoy sports & sports reporting without a whole lot of political and racial wet blankets being tossed.

wtf are you talking about? I personally enjoy getting moral advice from girlfriend beating, dope smoking, assault with a deadly weapon types like Randy Moss.
That guy needs to be banned from White House press briefings. Total troublemaker with his own agenda
Yeah, screw those a-hole journalists like CNN's Jim Acosta with "truth over bullshit" agendas.
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Yeah, screw those a-hole journalists like CNN's Jim Acosta with "truth over bullshit" agendas.
The guy is not even a reporter. He’s a CNN troll. Another one who rather that Americans die than say anything good about Trump. Show me a single question that he asks that is about the present state of the Coronavirus

It figures that that you would be the lone wolf to stand in his corner
Hill is the perfect example of failing up. She is as not very talented at the sentinel but she fit certain criteria that ESPN wanted. She was not very talented at ESPN but she played a role they were looking for.

Make no mistake about it, look at her hit pieces along her career and they all seem to fit the same demographic. She is racist.
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A Trump exchange with Acosta from just yesterday:

Trump: I always knew pandemics could happen. There's been nothing like this since probably 1917. I've heard about this for a long time.
Acosta: If you were preparing for a pandemic, why is it we don't have enough masks? Why is it we don't have enough medical equipment in this country?
Trump: The previous administration gave us very little ammunition ... you know the answer, the previous administration left the shelves what you should do is speak to the people in the previous administration, Jim, and ask them that question.
Acosta: That was nearly four years ago!

Jesus Christ, this isn't 2017...or 2018...or 2019...leave it to Trump to blame our country's lack of virus preparedness on the previous administration!!!

But this is really all about Acosta being a poor reporter with an agenda, right guys?*
But this is really all about Acosta being a poor reporter with an agenda, right guys?*
What’s the purpose of this other than making it a blame game? He got his blame game response. Hindsight is 20/20. So.., in the past previous 100 years, a pandemic threat didn’t exist? The fact is no one prepared for this.

Where have all the leaders of New York been stockpiling their masks and Ventilators for the past 4 years? They are the only ones crying that there’s a shortage.
What’s the purpose of this other than making it a blame game?
Who the f'k made it into a blame game?

It's 2020 for crying out loud. Trump wants to have it both ways. He praises himself and his administration daily for a phenomenal response to the pandemic but when Acosta actually calls him on his bullshit, it suddenly becomes all Obama's fault.

I can certainly see why you guys hate him so much.
Who the f'k made it into a blame game?

It's 2020 for crying out loud. Trump wants to have it both ways. He praises himself and his administration daily for a phenomenal response to the pandemic but when Acosta actually calls him on his bullshit, it suddenly becomes all Obama's fault.

I can certainly see why you guys hate him so much.

Because you're so partisan like Jim it impossible to get passed your TDS. Bill Gates warned about this in 2015. Hindsight is easy though
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Yeah boy, no American could possibly look at yesterday's exchange with an unbiased eye and possibly think Trump is full of shit, right?
B-B-But that was FIVE years ago! Trump didn't have enough time to prepare our country for this.*

Point is the blame game is just partisan hack stuff. It started in China and they clearly didn't provide information about the virus. The reason it is in every country is because China didn't isolate early. They aren't providing accurate data even today. Trump did the travel ban early which in hindsight was still genius. With hindsight he should have stopped all international travel but easy to second guess when you already have today's data. Cuomo and other leaders calling him racist early look rather stupid. Urging citizens to get out and party in Chinatown.
Shookster thinks like Jim Acosta. A pandemic threat has only been around since 2015 or 2016.
Point is the blame game is just partisan hack stuff.
And your boy, Trump, has been playing it to the hilt.
The reason it is in every country is because China didn't isolate early.
The disease was first identified by the World Health Organization as a new strain of corona virus in early January. By mid-January Chinese authorities has imposed a complete lockdown in Wuhan (it's reported source) and ten surrounding cities that included a complete suspension of all transportation links.

In contrast, the US experienced its first Covid-19 patient on Feb. 19th. After the POTUS reassured everyone that his administration had it "under control," we twiddled our thumbs regarding ANY statewide "shelter in place" or "stay at home" orders. The first one, California, was issued A FULL MONTH after the virus hit the US. Even today, we have states where the Governors think their state "don't need no stinkin' stay at home order."

But remind us all again how this is spreading like wildfire across the United States all because China's government didn't respond quickly enough.* (Hmmmm...smells like a 'hack partisan blame game.)
And your boy, Trump, has been playing it to the hilt.
The disease was first identified by the World Health Organization as a new strain of corona virus in early January. By mid-January Chinese authorities has imposed a complete lockdown in Wuhan (it's reported source) and ten surrounding cities that included a complete suspension of all transportation links.

In contrast, the US experienced its first Covid-19 patient on Feb. 19th. After the POTUS reassured everyone that his administration had it "under control," we twiddled our thumbs regarding ANY statewide "shelter in place" or "stay at home" orders. The first one, California, was issued A FULL MONTH after the virus hit the US. Even today, we have states where the Governors think their state "don't need no stinkin' stay at home order."

But remind us all again how this is spreading like wildfire across the United States all because China's government didn't respond quickly enough.* (Hmmmm...smells like a 'hack partisan blame game.)

The WHO was downplaying the virus in early January. What are you smoking?

Most of the worst states are democratic states, but please go on about your partisan talking points. The blame is clearly on China. Everything else is just reactions that seem impossible since your contiguous before showing symptoms. The silver lining if you're young and healthy, you're likely fine. Older folks need to quarantine.
A Trump exchange with Acosta from just yesterday:

Trump: I always knew pandemics could happen. There's been nothing like this since probably 1917. I've heard about this for a long time.
Acosta: If you were preparing for a pandemic, why is it we don't have enough masks? Why is it we don't have enough medical equipment in this country?
Trump: The previous administration gave us very little ammunition ... you know the answer, the previous administration left the shelves what you should do is speak to the people in the previous administration, Jim, and ask them that question.
Acosta: That was nearly four years ago!

Jesus Christ, this isn't 2017...or 2018...or 2019...leave it to Trump to blame our country's lack of virus preparedness on the previous administration!!!

But this is really all about Acosta being a poor reporter with an agenda, right guys?*
You’re just playing gotcha right now. Obama should’ve rebuilt the supplies but that isn’t how politics works now. He was too busy with his pet agendas. Then, no matter what Bill Gates was warning about as the lone voice yelling down a hallway, there were a million more important things than pandemic preparation. Admit it, you never once thought about it since SARS went away. So don’t come out here with some after-the-fact bullshit and act like it was so goddamn obvious that any fool should’ve done it.

I work in the damn field and we weren’t even pushing it that hard. Sure, we knew there was a possibility, but there are a thousand horrific possibilities at any one time. What matters is what we do next.
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You’re just playing gotcha right now. Obama should’ve rebuilt the supplies but that isn’t how politics works now.
You do know this is 2020 right? Obama left office in January of 2016 for crying out loud!!!
He was too busy with his pet agendas.
Unlike Trump who was focused on real shit like building the wall*

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths that our red hat minions will go to justify Trump's dumpster fire administration.
You’re just playing gotcha right now. Obama should’ve rebuilt the supplies but that isn’t how politics works now. He was too busy with his pet agendas. Then, no matter what Bill Gates was warning about as the lone voice yelling down a hallway, there were a million more important things than pandemic preparation. Admit it, you never once thought about it since SARS went away. So don’t come out here with some after-the-fact bullshit and act like it was so goddamn obvious that any fool should’ve done it.

I work in the damn field and we weren’t even pushing it that hard. Sure, we knew there was a possibility, but there are a thousand horrific possibilities at any one time. What matters is what we do next.
Not a single insult in this post, but it was incredibly savage.