Jogging on busy roads. Why?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 10, 2002
Why do people jog on busy roads? I don't get it. You suck in all that pollution, not to mention dealing with all the Asians who can't drive, the teenagers texting and taking selfies while driving, and the soccer mom's putting on makeup.

Anyone here a busy road jogger? If so, why? What's the upside?
Evolution. They're of the same ilk of the morons that ride their bikes on roads. There is a 46 mile bike trail 5 minutes from my house but all these retards still insist on clogging the roads during the weekends.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
See it all the time and never understood it....Running on grass just off the sidewalk feels much better to me anyway

and the "peloton" or whatever riding bikes...don't get me started on that....I love their fake "sponsorship"
Jogging outside could make you stupid - and more likely to suffer mental health problems

It has long been hailed as beneficial to both body and mind - and if nothing else, a form of stress release after a hard day at the office.But new research suggests exercising outside could do more harm than good when it comes to your brain. For jogging in busy, traffic-filled areas could actually cause mental decline.
Belgian researchers have found that people who live in a city and exercise outdoors have higher levels of inflammation and lower scores on cognitive tests than those who exercise outside in the suburbs.