Judge in Texas blocks Obama transgender bathroom rules

“This decision is certainly indicative of the harm to transgender students who are simply seeking to be treated equally in all aspects of their education.”

Is separate but equal still a thing?
Why does a "gender neutral" bathroom need to be labeled as such? Why not just "bathroom?"
This, the answer is to do away with men and women bathrooms. When men can go into the women room, and women can go into the men room, there is no reason for 2.
This, the answer is to do away with men and women bathrooms. When men can go into the women room, and women can go into the men room, there is no reason for 2.
Once there are no more separate bathrooms, how long do you think it'll Take for them make us get rid of urinals?
Because labels have gone from something that minimizes to something that validates. Without that gender neutral label, what would this particular group have to point at and claim achievement?

I have libertarian LGBT family members and this is their most common complaint. They personally don't feel the need to throw things in people's faces for the sole purpose of achievement and "justice". They think it is stupid. JUST BE.

The labeling is based on a belief that "Males and females have been able to be recognized for eons, now's our chance to be recognized categorically." It is nothing more than a "justice" move that is really a "revenge" move. A legally-enforced demand for respect...
You know, Publix has already dealt with this entire goddamn issue and they did it without any grand standing or faux outrage from left wing PC warriors.

Most every Publix around here has 3 bathrooms: 1 for men, 1 for women, and 1 "blank" bathroom off to the side. This is typically a family restroom but it doesn't even say that; it's literally just a spare single person bathroom.

Problem solved. If Pat isn't sure what gender they want to identify with that day, they can go to the blank bathroom and no one will bat a eye.

Unfortunately, the PC warrior dipshits at Target had to grand stand and try to make themselves left wing puppets.
You know, Publix has already dealt with this entire goddamn issue and they did it without any grand standing or faux outrage from left wing PC warriors.

Most every Publix around here has 3 bathrooms: 1 for men, 1 for women, and 1 "blank" bathroom off to the side. This is typically a family restroom but it doesn't even say that; it's literally just a spare single person bathroom.

Problem solved. If Pat isn't sure what gender they want to identify with that day, they can go to the blank bathroom and no one will bat a eye.

Unfortunately, the PC warrior dipshits at Target had to grand stand and try to make themselves left wing puppets.
I think I read that Target is now going to try and install a 3rd family/blank restroom in all of its stores now. They definitely shouldnt have made a deal about it. That boycott hit them hard.
I think I read that Target is now going to try and install a 3rd family/blank restroom in all of its stores now. They definitely shouldnt have made a deal about it. That boycott hit them hard.
Thanks, Obama.