Just another liberal shopping at GameStop. Exhibit 2

There are always some people who are arrogant, argumentative, combative ... all while being self-entitled. They really undermine everything.

The problem I have is people -- especially Progressives -- who enable such individuals.

Take Manning for instance. In the middle of trying to convince my conservative friends that LGBT soldiers are great warriors and not a burden, President Obama not only commute's Manning's sentence, but there are people cheering that on.

Manning undermined a lot of people, and a lot of true, classic Liberals were furious at the Progressives who supported her sentence being commuted.
Y’all are assholes and bullies.

It’s the exact sh!t you’re doing right now that makes people commit suicide.
Y’all are assholes and bullies.

It’s the exact sh!t you’re doing right now that makes people commit suicide.

Silly me. Here I thought the *person* threatening to assault an innocent minimum wage worker with violence was the bully. All because he used a generally accepted phrase "guys" when addressing more than 1 person.

Oh wow then it’s settled
I'm not trying to settle anything. Im trying to understand the title of this thread. I didn't hear that person say anything about her politics. If anything her anger and violence leads me to believe she's probably a Republican.
Y’all are assholes and bullies.

It’s the exact sh!t you’re doing right now that makes people commit suicide.

Let's be honest if this person didn't go bat crazy at GameStop it doesn't get noticed. The GameStop employee appeared to be trying to keep the peace. Kicking merchandise at the store is unacceptable behavior no matter who you are.

I'm nice in person though. I help everyone and even spend time helping a food banks. ;)
Y’all are assholes and bullies.
It’s the exact sh!t you’re doing right now that makes people commit suicide.
If people commit suicide because they cannot follow the Golden Rule and get triggered, then the problem isn't society.

Seriously, this type of comment causes people who would normally support people to backlash. Just like President Obama's commuting of Manning's sentence caused transgender military personnel a lot of headache.

Everyone hates 'special privileged' people, and this person exemplifies such.
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I'm not trying to settle anything. Im trying to understand the title of this thread. I didn't hear that person say anything about her politics. If anything her anger and violence leads me to believe she's probably a Republican.

The Facebook page of the DNC loyalist who attempted to mass murder 22 GOP House members. One of your bros.

I'm not trying to settle anything. Im trying to understand the title of this thread. I didn't hear that person say anything about her politics. If anything her anger and violence leads me to believe she's probably a Republican.
Unless he had a sex change to remove his penis, he is still a he. Sorry if science gets in your way.
You gotta love it. :) This from the same science-loving crowd who tell us global warming is a fraud.

Actually even the left dropped global warming and went to climate change so anything different is considered an issue. So talk to them ;). I'm more conservative and I do think we are completely screwing our environment. Your typical hacky sack liberal is as much to blame.

Anyway... interested to see the left gave up on science. Who needs facts and science?
even if he did remove his penis, hes still a male. you cant change dna.
Its written on literally every cell in your body. The skin on the tip of my toe can tell you that i have a penis. The hair on my wifes head can tell you that she has a vagina. There are no ifs ands or butts on it.

I'm ok with the idea that any given person may feel like they don't fit their body. I'm fine with a person changing their name or altering how they look. But a man cannot become a cat and a woman can't become a snake no matter how much they change their appearance, just like a man cant become a woman just by changing their apperance. No matter how hard a person may try they can't rewrite their DNA, and the term "gender" means xx or xy.
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