Khameni promises Israel won't exist in 25 years; loads more Jihad


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
This of course isn't new, this maniac has been promising Israel will be wiped off the map and he's been funding Hezbollah extremely well to do his bidding in the meantime. But this is striking since all of the "big thinkers" like EE have assured us that the moderates will be empowered by this shit deal we're about to sign.

“After nuclear negotiations, the Zionist regime said that they will not be worried about Iran in the next 25 years,” Ayatollah Khamenei wrote. “I am telling you, first, you will not be around in 25 years’ time, and God willing, there will be no Zionist regime in 25 years. Second, during this period, the spirit of fighting, heroism and jihad will keep you worried every moment.”

I'll give him this, at least he's brutally honest about his support and blessing for terrorism against Israel and its allies. He may be the world's largest terrorist but he's no a liar!
Oy vey such a good lil goyim Zionist!

Let's put the kybosh on those evil muzzies with the help from the great great great "American" patriots below (you might notice they've a little something in common):


Israel first bitches!
Oy vey such a good lil goyim Zionist!

Let's put the kybosh on those evil muzzies with the help from the great great great "American" patriots below (you might notice they've a little something in common):


Israel first bitches!
Brietbart is dead, Cantor is not in government anymore and what why are columnists on this list. Why not list the hundreds of thousands of non Jewish columnists?

I do hope you're joking with this post.
Brietbart is dead, Cantor is not in government anymore and what why are columnists on this list. Why not list the hundreds of thousands of non Jewish columnists?

I do hope you're joking with this post.
Meh don't have to be Jewish just controlled by as all "non Jewish" columnist ultimately roll up to a Zionist owned outlet

Not a Jew thing either. I love Jews, hate Zionism though.
Israel's problems are ours because? Ah yeah they run our media, hollywood, control "both" parties etc. Done a bang up job of making the goyim here hate each other to distract from their puppet master ways - lets get back to it:

RaCiSm!!! That kook w the marriage licenses what other dumb shit r they blabbing about? O yea the Patriots r bad! Take ur messages!
Israel's problems are ours because? Ah yeah they run our media, hollywood, control "both" parties etc. Done a bang up job of making the goyim here hate each other to distract from their puppet master ways - lets get back to it:

RaCiSm!!! That kook w the marriage licenses what other dumb shit r they blabbing about? O yea the Patriots r bad! Take ur messages!
Wow, if you are serious, which I hope not, you're an idiot. Even if anyone joked along racial lines like you are here, they would be banned from the Rivals. But just for fun, please tell on how "they" run both parties. From what I see the democrats have been quite anti-semetic under this administration.
Meh don't have to be Jewish just controlled by as all "non Jewish" columnist ultimately roll up to a Zionist owned outlet

Not a Jew thing either. I love Jews, hate Zionism though.

its the zionist and jewish supremacists that are distorting Iran's use of words wiped off the face of the earth and not in existence in 25 years.
They're taking it out of context. Just like Takei's comments about Thomas were taken out of context. It's all about context.
its the zionist and jewish supremacists that are distorting Iran's use of words wiped off the face of the earth and not in existence in 25 years.
Okay, so it you're not serious. i was concerned that you really could be that stupid, feel better for you.
Okay, so it you're not serious. i was concerned that you really could be that stupid, feel better for you.

On March 6, 2007, BBC editor Peter Rippon wrote a blog post on the BBC web site, “Wiped off the Map?,” which acknowledged that although the BBC has regularly cited the quote, “others” have argued that a “more accurate” translation would be: “The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” Rippon did not bother to mention who any of those “others” would be, or acknowledge his source for the alternate quote.
I've got a great idea. Glass the entire middle east. Take all the oil. Create an even bigger monopoly on the world. Anyone want to say we're wrong. Here's a few nukes for you. Let's bring back evolution.
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I've got a great idea. Glass the entire middle east. Take all the oil. Create an even bigger monopoly on the world. Anyone want to say we're wrong. Here's a few nukes for you. Let's bring back evolution.

But...wouldn't the nukes light the oil? You didn't take much to light those oil fires.

It wouldn't be evolution either...the natural selective process is taken out. Once controlled it becomes engineering. Just saying...
^^^ North Korea all over again.

They literally became more demanding and more aggressive within 5 years of the '94 deal ... even before Clinton was out of office. It's the one thing I actually feel for Clinton on, because Carter negotiated it despite Clinton's strong objections.

But the left-wing media bias blames W. and the Axis-of-Evil speech as if we didn't have serious issues with North Korea before then. Sigh ...
and donald trump is going to send all the illegals home...political posturing for the LCD...apparently it works in our country as well...