

Bronze Knight
Oct 23, 2018
Can someone explain to me why we keep kicking 1ft-25yds on kickoff. Why are we not kicking deep and giving them the ball at the 25? It seems we would rather the opponent start on the 45 or even our side of the field? What os up with this? Perhaps the kicker is not kicking the ball right 3-4 times in a row
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Can someone explain to me why we keep kicking 1ft-25yds on kickoff. Why are we not kicking deep and giving them the ball at the 25? It seems we would rather the opponent start on the 45 or even our side of the field? What os up with this? Perhaps the kicker is not kicking the ball right 3-4 times in a row
They didn't want Brian Battle to touch the football because he was killing them in the return game. UCF was afraid if they kicked it out of bounds, USF would decline and force another kick.
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It seems like our kickoff specialist is not aware that there is a difference between a squib kick and an onside kick.
They didn't want Brian Battle to touch the football because he was killing them in the return game. UCF was afraid if they kicked it out of bounds, USF would decline and force another kick.
Then kick it out of bounds again. Or kick it to anyone else but Battle.
The frustrating thing is that we've been kicking out of the endzone most of the season, except last night. Strange.
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speaking of special teams I expected Townsend to be better and at least house one punt return this season. expected him to be another Otis
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Can't let Battie beat you. Anyone else. I think going into the game we thought he would be able to kick it deep enough to get the touchbacks but Battie was still bringing it out 3 yards deep. I was definitely ok with a squib kick so that he doesn't do a Mike Hughes Cabana kick return in the final minutes, but have to execute the squib and it clearly was not executed properly. Like a lot of things in that 2nd half it went horribly wrong.