KL repost from Dungeon - must read


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
For the non Dungeon people, this was too good not to post here. This is KL responding to Commuter Bob who accused KL of being a Yes Man for the prior Admin. Well, here's his response:

What is your malfunction?

Please do not confuse me with others (sadly, I don't think you dream about others).

Zach could do no wrong? [roll][roll]

Dang...why then did I get all those urgent phone calls and emails from him begging me to stop bashing his department and leader(s)?

He would break out in a drenched sweat if he ever ran into me in public as for some reason, he was scared to death from my "knowledge" of the program.

Todd was an administrator whose main responsibility was to keep UCF out of trouble (i.e. since football/basketball was under investigation/then probation)...but as with many 1st time AD's...they (and many of those they brought in with them, i.e. Zach) are afraid to make decisions (hence why so few decisions/strategies/plans were done during their first 12-18 months).

And no...your comment was worth nothing, especially since it was totally wrong but I'm flattered I was on your mind, again.
Throw away politics, religion, socioeconomic status and beer choices. We found the common belief that all Cooligans share, utter disdain for KL.
