Knightline 089: Tulsa Recap \ Kyle Reflects on GOL

I was bummed this morning, because Soundcloud didn't trigger a message that there was a new podcast. I was happy to see it sitting there when I got in the car this morning. Thanks for all the work you put in doing these, especially your consistency. I look forward to these, particularly after losses. I guess misery does loves company.
Thank you...I'm not sure why you wouldn't get a sound cloud alert, but uploading was difficult on that site last night. AP
Sublime: Like that line about misery loving company ... at least we can vent together through Knightline! Thanks for listening. TT
Good show. I disagree about us not having any big receivers that are deep threats . we just haven't thrown the ball deep to them to give them a chance.
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Randyred: Tend to agree with your take. What about everyone else? TT