Lefties pushing to turn UCF into a sanctuary campus

Any libtard sjw college campus which doesn't want to obey and enforce the laws of the United States should simply stop receiving Federal funding, grants, and recognition as accredited in order for students there to receive Federal student loans in order to attend.

That said, labeling something sanctuary means it will be easier to locate those illegal aliens who need to be deported.
Can you just say something is legal and then it's so? Fine. My house is a legal pot smoking zone. Also, legally no fatties or gingers and we don't recognize daylight savings time and you can't put ketchup on your fries, you have to dip and Kevin Kostner is banned under penalty of having to watch his own movies.
I declare my street a Sanctuary Target Shooting zone.

All firearms laws are not applicable here.
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Can you just say something is legal and then it's so? Fine. My house is a legal pot smoking zone. Also, legally no fatties or gingers and we don't recognize daylight savings time and you can't put ketchup on your fries, you have to dip and Kevin Kostner is banned under penalty of having to watch his own movies.

I really like this idea. Thread is officially derailed - what is now legal at your house??
My first law change: my home is now a sanctuary quiet zone. Ringing my doorbell without calling/texting first (exception: deliveries) is punishable by death (which is legal under extending 85's gun laws).
Really though, schools who do this should not receive a dime in Federal Funding. If they want to deliberately assist people in the breaking of federal law.

If UCF actually does this then I hope their funds are cut and the school is choked out until the crazies lose.
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Every state should be a "sanctuary" state. The Federal Gov't has no authority over migration or immigration.
Really though, schools who do this should not receive a dime in Federal Funding. If they want to deliberately assist people in the breaking of federal law.

If UCF actually does this then I hope their funds are cut and the school is choked out until the crazies lose.

What if the Federal Law is immoral or worse, Unconstitutional?
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I'm not a 'Lefty' and I'm against rounding up and deporting an undocumented Dreamer UCF Student that most likely has been in this country over a decade and other than a decision their parents made is doing everything right. The drug dealer in Arizona in and out of jail? Sure but you got to be really cold to want ICE agents to drag someone out of a dorm.

This board has gone alt right mad
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I'm not a 'Lefty' and I'm against rounding up and deporting an undocumented Dreamer UCF Student that most likely has been in this country over a decade and other than a decision their parents made is doing everything right. The drug dealer in Arizona in and out of jail? Sure but you got to be really cold to want ICE agents to drag someone out of a dorm.

This board has gone alt right mad
You do realize that you can acquire a student visa to come in this country legally and be documented right ?? Anyone here illegal or undocumented needs to at the very least be willing to go through the process and get legal documentation to stay . What you end up with is folks here getting benefits without contributing a damn thing to the system. It's bullshit
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Every state should be a "sanctuary" state. The Federal Gov't has no authority over migration or immigration.

I guess it takes a special kind of stupid to utter nonsense like this.

Immigration is regulated at the federal level, chiefly under the rules established in 1952 with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 was enacted to curb illegal immigration, denying welfare benefits to undocumented immigrants and strengthening sanctions against employers who hire them.

The U.S. Congress has control over all immigration-related regulations, while the White House is in charge of enforcing immigration laws.
I'm not a 'Lefty' and I'm against rounding up and deporting an undocumented Dreamer UCF Student that most likely has been in this country over a decade and other than a decision their parents made is doing everything right. The drug dealer in Arizona in and out of jail? Sure but you got to be really cold to want ICE agents to drag someone out of a dorm.

This board has gone alt right mad

You don't seem to actually understand what "Sanctuary City" or campus means. And you don't understand what ICE does or doesn't do.

These cities, or campuses, claiming to be Sanctuary Cities, are vowing NOT to inform ICE about illegal aliens in their city (or campus) EVEN IF they are known to be engaging in criminal activity. There are well established cases of Sanctuary Cities protecting DUI offenders and illegal aliens committing numerous misdemeanors instead of informing ICE as they are mandated to do.

If a known criminal illegal alien uses UCF as a "safe space" to avoid deportation, that is not in any way the same as some DREAMer kid who is attending school.
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I'm not a 'Lefty' and I'm against rounding up and deporting an undocumented Dreamer UCF Student that most likely has been in this country over a decade and other than a decision their parents made is doing everything right. The drug dealer in Arizona in and out of jail? Sure but you got to be really cold to want ICE agents to drag someone out of a dorm.

This board has gone alt right mad

Sorry, but that's literally not our problem.

Assuming that your home is nicer than mine, if I broke into your home with my child to give them a 'better life' .... a child that is a straight-A student and positive influence in the community .... would you be complaining about unfair treatment of said child that [in your words] "other than a decision their parents made is doing everything right"?

Would you let that child stay in your home? Feed and clothe them? Educate them for free? Provide the necessary health care?

Me thinks no!!!
. What you end up with is folks here getting benefits without contributing a damn thing to the system. It's bullshit
the Dreamers(DACA) are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid. Any assistance they get will come from Private scholarship organizations or if the College itself decides to offer a grant.
I guess it takes a special kind of stupid to utter nonsense like this.

Immigration is regulated at the federal level, chiefly under the rules established in 1952 with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 was enacted to curb illegal immigration, denying welfare benefits to undocumented immigrants and strengthening sanctions against employers who hire them.

The U.S. Congress has control over all immigration-related regulations, while the White House is in charge of enforcing immigration laws.

Where their Consitutional authority?

I'll give you a hint... there isn't stupid.

Even if you thought the federal govt had the authority then you should have asked yourself why they waited almost 200 years to make any law about it. Now that's a special kind of stupid.
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Where their Consitutional authority?

I'll give you a hint... there isn't stupid

OK, then by all means go ahead and research the constitutions of all 50 (or as Obama once said, "57") states and let me know what type of constitutional authority the states have to regulate and enforce immigration law.

You can either do that ...... or read the article segment that I originally posted, specifically this part:

"Immigration is regulated at the federal level, chiefly under the rules established in 1952 with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)."

Leave it to a liberal to ignore the facts when they become inconvenient.
the Dreamers(DACA) are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid. Any assistance they get will come from Private scholarship organizations or if the College itself decides to offer a grant.

These kids are also "Dreamers".......

..... and so are these kids

Gotta start taking care of our own American citizens first.
99.9% of the roughly 200 DACA students at UCF are just like Ahtziry. This image that UCF would be harboring hard criminals on campus is just a Breitbart fear fantasy

..........and if one of those 200 students commit a crime?

What if one of them is involved in an assault after a bar outing and UCF chooses to hide this arrest from federal immigration authorities?
OK, then by all means go ahead and research the constitutions of all 50 (or as Obama once said, "57") states and let me know what type of constitutional authority the states have to regulate and enforce immigration law.

You can either do that ...... or read the article segment that I originally posted, specifically this part:

"Immigration is regulated at the federal level, chiefly under the rules established in 1952 with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)."

Leave it to a liberal to ignore the facts when they become inconvenient.

Nope. Regulating migration / immigration would be like regulating who has children or marriage. No Constitutional authority to do so.
Nope. Regulating migration / immigration would be like regulating who has children or marriage. No Constitutional authority to do so.

The U.S. Constitution has a Bill of rights and 27 amendments that followed. It's not going to be robust enough to cover every issue. Therein lies the legislative apparatus, which in 1952 passed the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

This law gives Congress control over all immigration-related regulations, while the White House is in charge of enforcing immigration laws.

Plus, the term "unconstitutional" does not apply to non-citizens. The only recourse illegal aliens would have are human rights violations, which isn't exactly what ICE does on a daily basis.
the Dreamers(DACA) are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid. Any assistance they get will come from Private scholarship organizations or if the College itself decides to offer a grant.
The sanctuary declaration doesn't only apply to dreamers and what I meant with benefits is folks here illegally getting other types of free benefits from our government which comes out of our pockets
The U.S. Constitution has a Bill of rights and 27 amendments that followed. It's not going to be robust enough to cover every issue. Therein lies the legislative apparatus, which in 1952 passed the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

This law gives Congress control over all immigration-related regulations, while the White House is in charge of enforcing immigration laws.

Plus, the term "unconstitutional" does not apply to non-citizens. The only recourse illegal aliens would have are human rights violations, which isn't exactly what ICE does on a daily basis.

A law passed by congress does not give congress Constitutional Authority. The fact that you know that there are Amendments and don't know that Congress can't give themselves Constitutional authority is the biggest problem with America right now.
A law passed by congress does not give congress Constitutional Authority. The fact that you know that there are Amendments and don't know that Congress can't give themselves Constitutional authority is the biggest problem with America right now.

Again, illegal immigrants are not party to the Constitution because they are not U.S. citizens. Therefore, everything you just said is a moot point.
Again, illegal immigrants are not party to the Constitution because they are not U.S. citizens. Therefore, everything you just said is a moot point.


Here is a lesson for you actual conservatives. The idea of "States Rights" comes from enumerated powers. If powers aren't enumerated (explicitly given by the people to the Federal gov't) then the Federal Government has not authority over that issue and therefore is power that people of certain states can give to their State Government. In no way can California tell FL or ND or any other state how they will handle the movement of people known as migration and / or immigration. In no way can the Federal Government tell States how they will handle the movement of people known as migration and / or immigration.

That's your actual lesson for today, this month and clearly this year.

If you don't believe me, try Google:

The enumerated powers are a list of items found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution that set forth the authority of Congress

Article 1 Section 8
The Congress shall have power

There is nothing about migration or immigration.

You're welcome.
  • To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

..... And this is where the good 'ole "elastic clause" comes into play; "all laws which shall be necessary and proper." It's basically a blank check allowed by the Constitution which allows Congress to act in the interest of the American people on any number of issues.

You're welcome.

There is nothing about migration or immigration.

There's nothing about migration or immigration??? Try reading things before you go copy/past happy on Wikipedia. Seems like you overlooked Article I, section 8, clause 4 ... which i've extracted above.

In fact, this clause is the basis for the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 which, as i've pointed out before but for some reason you choose to ignore the facts, gives Congress control over all immigration-related regulations, while the White House is in charge of enforcing immigration laws.

I'd love to see how you try and spin away so much pure fact shoved right in your face. or maybe we'll just hear crickets chirping.