We need universal conservative bias in the media. It would turn this pussified, bleeding heart country around.
Tongue-in-cheek, right? Conservatives would be just as bad, if not worse. Besides, we've already had such in many decades past, and it wasn't good.
But the number of registered Democratic voters in the media is scary, now over 10 to 1 versus Republican ... utterly unhealthy.
I think the author of
'Clinton Cash' summed it up well, stating it wasn't Stephanopoulos per se, but his own peers unable to be objective and honest with themselves, before even saying anything.
I.e., the author clearly admitted he has bias, but it's increasingly impossible to get those with conflicts-of-interests in the media on the left to admit theirs, because nearly all of their own peers don't hold them accountable because they all agree with the bias.
E.g., every 1 journalist that points out a fellow colleague has a conflict-of-interest, there are now 10 who say they do not, out of political alignment. No longer "peer enforced" but more like "peer pressure" on a political slant.
The result is, like in the case of Stephanopoulos interviewing him, is not just the conflict-of-interest that he denied and failing to recuse himself, letting someone else conduct the interview. It's that he didn't just backtrack once, but again, and again, and again, until he cannot any more because it looks really bad ... and even after all that, someone finally exposes he has at least mid-7 figures of direct, fiscal incentive to not cross the Clintons, and discredit the author.
Again, the author has his bias. But Stephanopoulos' was just as large, monetarily-wise (beyond loyalty too) ... but he's supposed to be an objective journalist, knowing when to recuse himself. And since he didn't, his credibility has been utterly shot to pieces as a result, and -- ironically -- he now knows it better than anyone, after-the-fact, too late.
So it's hardly good for the journalist himself/herself either.