Monday is always the press conference day with the head coach and usually two pre-selected players. Last week it was the three captains.
Tuesday and Wednesday of game week you are typically allowed to interview whoever you want from the pre-approved interview list. It's mostly juniors and seniors on the list, though GOL did green light a couple players to be added to the list once the season began (Kyle Gibson, C.J. Jones, Michael Willett, Chris Johnson).
In all honesty, it's been tough trying to determine who to speak to on a weekly basis. The list is populated by many players who were either replaced by underclassmen or simply haven't been playing well, so there's not a real compelling reason to talk to them.
I'm assuming this is Barrett's call, but we just got a note that the only UCF representatives that will be available to the media this week are interim head coach Danny Barrett and the three team captains - Thomas Niles, Cedric Thompson and Joseph Puopolo. They'll be at the press conference on Monday and also available on Tuesday and Wednesday if you'd like to speak with them again. Assistant coaches have also been restricted, mostly due to the change at the top.
Again, not really a big deal to me considering the way the season is going, but it's interesting how there's an effort to put forth a "consistent" voice.
Tuesday and Wednesday of game week you are typically allowed to interview whoever you want from the pre-approved interview list. It's mostly juniors and seniors on the list, though GOL did green light a couple players to be added to the list once the season began (Kyle Gibson, C.J. Jones, Michael Willett, Chris Johnson).
In all honesty, it's been tough trying to determine who to speak to on a weekly basis. The list is populated by many players who were either replaced by underclassmen or simply haven't been playing well, so there's not a real compelling reason to talk to them.
I'm assuming this is Barrett's call, but we just got a note that the only UCF representatives that will be available to the media this week are interim head coach Danny Barrett and the three team captains - Thomas Niles, Cedric Thompson and Joseph Puopolo. They'll be at the press conference on Monday and also available on Tuesday and Wednesday if you'd like to speak with them again. Assistant coaches have also been restricted, mostly due to the change at the top.
Again, not really a big deal to me considering the way the season is going, but it's interesting how there's an effort to put forth a "consistent" voice.